Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A staunch defender speaks out

| November 1, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

Your recent article attacking Martin Bower has touched a nerve in my heart. He is my pastor and my friend, and I have nothing but respect for him. You are very bold to publish such things. To continue doing so would create a conflict you want nothing to do with. I am not referring to a human conflict. He is surrounded by men who have experience in a realm that you do not understand. The last editor who slandered him died recently. I urge you to write another article taking back what you said about him.

There were only three people from Libby or Troy who attended Martin's trial at the district court in Kalispell: myself, my wife, and another friend of ours. None of you were there. The trial lasted several hours and Martin was exonerated at the conclusion. Next week I will send you another letter telling about that trial, and how I know that Martin is not guilty of the charges made against him.

Ben Schertel


Editor's Note: The information to which Mr. Schertel speaks was derived by The Western News office by information from the Montana State Auditor's Office and court documents from the Montana State Auditor Ex-Officio Commissioner of Securities and Insurance in Helena. The Western News stands by the story.