Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Reagan era strategies make more sense

| May 9, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor

A new strategy has emerged among Republican candidates for president who appeal to the party's huge conservative base. Front-runners Mitt Romany and Rudy Giuliani, as well as several lesser candidates, have chosen to hearken back to the Reagan era. Identifying with the man whose name is virtually synonymous with conservatism evidently makes a lot more sense than tying oneself to either George W. Bush or his father.

The current occupant of the White House, of course, is adamant in his continuation of the increasingly unpopular Iraq war. Now four years old with no end in sight, the struggle has already cost 3,200 American lives, wounded over 20,000, and destroyed whatever positive attitude for our nation existed in the Muslim world. Instead of deciding that the U.S. goals have been accomplished and ending the conflict, Mr. Bush is pouring more troops into the fray, even sending some units back for a third tour. No GOP political aspirant wants to be identified with such a record.

I think that any candidate who says forthrightly that it's time to bring the troops home would receive strong support. Please also visit regarding my concern.

Mark Davis