Wednesday, March 12, 2025

'Political hacks/puppets' cannot see the light on most issues

| May 4, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

In Montana one finds examples of the classical definitions of the political terms "political hack" and "political puppet."

These examples reside in the Montana House of Representatives and are called Republicans.

To gain control of that body, right wing Republican Party leaders successfully courted Rep. Jore of the Constitution Party. A few strings were pulled by the puppet masters and the remaining "political puppets" fell in line. Jore's vote determined control of the Montana House and they named him chairman of the Education Committee.

Jore asserts he's "not comfortable in a game of political strategy." Having served before, Mr. Jore clearly had to grasp the reality that his alliance with the Republicans was a blatant political strategy.

House Speaker Sales says Jore is "very fair and balanced" in running the committee. What else could Sales say about the man who brought about his election and is the foremost opponent of public education in the legislature? Speaker Sales further says Jore "has a lot of power." Of course he does! The Republicans gave it to him.

The political alliance of Jore and Sales had the house threatening to reduce the Department of Public Health and Human Services budget to $300 and terminate vital services to 300,000 Montanans, many of them elderly and children. Facing national opprobrium and ridicule they and their political hacks/puppets "capitulated" to use Sales term.

On too many issues the political hacks/puppets have been forced by the puppet masters to vote against the interests of most Montanans. The disdain of the puppet masters to seek common ground and compromise can be placed on every House Republican who votes lock-step with them. The political hacks/puppets still cannot see the light on most issues even when Sales states that "there's a good chance we're going to have to cut the budget to get Jore to vote for it."

When the legislature adjourns, it will be interesting to review the voting records of the House Republicans and see how frequently they have voted lock-step with Jore.

It will also be interesting to see how many in the Republican leadership run for higher political office and how many vote lock-step with them. That will help determine if the others are indeed political hacks/puppets.

Ernest Scherzer