Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Montana built by the hard working people in main industries

| May 4, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

I have tried extremely hard to be open minded and hopeful about Montana's economy and our 2007 Legislature.

I have testified in Helena on several bills that would help businesses and industries all over Montana by streamlining environmental regulation and permitting procedures. I have listened to the opponents of these bills; The Sierra Club, The Audubon Society, The Northern Plains Resouce Council and numerous individuals, most of whom are transplants and do not give a darn about the rest of us trying to earn a living. They are backed by out-of-state money, and they seem blind to the fact that Montana adheres to some of the most stringent environmental laws in the U.S.

The sad part is that their tactics are working. None of the bills that would truly improve Montana's ability to develop energy resources have passed the Legislature. A handful of environmental groups have prevailed over the well being and livelihood of tens of thousands. I watched our Governor's "Energy Man" walk in and oppose the first major pro-energy bill of the session, and all it was supposed to do was speed up the permitting process and not allow frivolous law suits to stop projects. This bill did pass the House, only to be tabled in a Senate committee where environmental interests have more influence.

Wyoming operates under the same federal EPA regulations as Montana, but Wyoming's coal production increased by 40 million tons last year while Montana lagged far behind. Montana has 10 times the coal reserves of Wyoming, yet they eat our lunch on production because they foster development rather than hinder it.

Our Governor ran on a platform of energy development and economic growth, but he appears more interested in bullying legislators and giving tax incentives to the movie industry.

If you want a thriving economy, more money for education, more money for children's health care and higher paying jobs, start making phone calls, writing letters and e-mailing the governor and legislators to let them know you're tired of empty promises and political rhetoric.

Montana was built by the hard working people in our main industries such as agriculture, mining, timber, petroleum, not tourism or Hollywood.

I am proud to be a native, and I am sick and tired of environmental groups funded by outside interests telling us how to run our state and take care of our people.

If they are so darn good at creating wonderful lives and environments, why did they leave their homes to come here?

Mike Newton