Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Voicing support for the Libby Police Department

| June 15, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

I feel I have to respond to the complaint of the Libby police officers actions in the "tazing" incident.

First of all I do not personally know either the officer involved, or the teenager that was allegedly involved. I do know Clay Coker and have known him for a number of years. Clay is the most professional person in his profession that I know. He is fair, and by all means, if one of his people has a problem, he will handle it with professional justice. Since there has not been a official complaint turned in, I can assume that all of this is just people blowing off steam because they feel that the teen was picked on and unfairly treated.

If I understand this situation, the teen was out way after hours. (12:15 AM Offense #1… curfew violation) (Offense #2… trespassing). The teen was alleged to be seen putting down a bottle of alcohol (Offense #3..MIP). When the teen was told he would be handcuffed, he struggled and pushed the officer (Offense #4… assault on an officer) (Offense #5…obstruction of justice) (Offense #6… resisting). When the teen was told to stop (fleeing) he did not, so the officer stopped him.

Now if the teen would have complied with the officer, none of this would have happened, therefore no broken tooth, no scrapes, and most likely no charges. Since the injuries happened after the officer took action to stop the teen, the public (us) became responsible for the medical bill. (Your tax dollars at work). So this whole situation could have been prevented if the teen would have taken responsibility for his actions and stopped when he was told to.

The problem now days is people do not want to take responsibility for their actions. Just like the McDonald's lady that sued McDonald's because she spilled hot coffee on herself. She did it, not McDonald's. The judge should have been disbarred for not throwing it out of court.

I'm sorry the teen received injuries, but he caused them himself by trying to run away and not complying with the officer's request.

Now for the people that think this officer used excessive force. If it is found that your allegations are true, I know for a fact that Mr. Coker will see to it that the officer will get the proper discipline. Remember the saying that used come on the T.V. that said, "It's 10 p.m., do you know where your children are?" Parents need to know where their children are, who they are with and what they are doing. This is the responsibility of the parents. Please know that our police force is there to serve and protect, which is what they were doing by trying to keep anyone from damaging more cars at Timberline Auto. If we would all do our part to reduce crime, maybe, just maybe, our insurance rates, car prices and taxes would decline for a change.

Thank you Clay for your hard work trying to keep the crime rate down in Libby. You and your people need to know you are appreciated.

Ed J. Winslow
