Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Unimpressed with the post office

| June 15, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

I am not at all suprised at the lack of respect and service that the Libby Post Office has given to this woman, or should I say, hasn't given. Since we have moved to Libby, we have had nothing but problems with the post office. We have had our media mail packages opened and inspected to see if the contents are truely "media mail."

We have had items returned because of a 3.3 ounce overweight charge instead of forwarding the package on as postage due. We have had to go to UPS for all of our package deliveries and cringe when we have to mail a letter. We mailed out checks that were addressed to Troy and the letters did not reach Troy until 11 days later. Apparantly what we were told, is that the bag that they put our letters into, was not "full" so they wait for it to be so before they mail the items out. Also, we put in a change of address because we have moved since being here at Libby. Apparantly, the lady at the post office told me that all mail that comes into Libby that has to be forwarded has to go to Missoula and back to Libby before being delivered to the forwarded address. Is this called job stability?

I am sorry to hear that they can not give the service that we are accustomed to in a large town. Which suprises me because of it being such a small town it seems that they would go the extra mile for the townspeople. As far as the woman who was shunned over the zipcode mishap? There are no words that can describe the disrespect that the man behind the counter gave to the woman.

Michelle Welch
