Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Giving thanks to the community

| June 15, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

We would like to begin this letter by thanking each and every one of you who sent your love and prayers to our son, Jason Switzer, whom, as most of you know, was stabbed in the head with a screwdriver on May 27, 2007.

We are very happy to let you know all our prayers were answered and Jason is now out of the woods, barring any more unforeseen complications. Jason is looking at a very long road to recovery with an outcome unknown at this time. But the important thing is that he is still here to travel that road.

Many of you have asked about making donations to help with the astronomical amount of expenses; medical, travel, lodging, food, etc., that are being incurred by this unforeseen family tragedy. We had no insurance and our savings is almost depleted already, so any and all donations will be greatly appreciated, no matter how small or large.

If you would like to make a donation you can do so by sending it to Jason's Fund, Joel A. Rucker, Jr., PO Box 810, Libby, MT. 59923.

Also, some of you have offered to help us finish our house on Dakota Avenue so Jason has a room of his own to come home to. We really want to thank all of you who are offering your time and experience, and we want you to know how much your kindness means to us. Those of you who want to help can call 293-8937 to leave a message. We will get back with you as quickly as Jason's condition will allow.

In closing, we would also like to thank Lt. Detective Jim Sweet, Detective Boyd White and Officer Graham. You all have been very kind, compassionate and professional. We know you are doing a full investigation into this crime against our son. We are confident, at least at this point, that justice will be served on the part of L.C.S.O. in this situation. We have not yet spoken with the County Attorney, but we are being told the charges are being re-filed as attempted homicide, so it does appear that he is also going to do the right thing by our son and prosecute this individual to the fullest extent of the law, and hopefully also charge the other party who instigated the altercation.

We do believe an example must be set here to show that our community will not tolerate this kind of violence by anyone. We do know that boys will be boys, and fights will occur, but under no circumstances could we, or should we, tolerate something of this caliber. Our children were all born here and we have stayed here, not because of great wages or benefits, but because it is supposed to be a safe place to live and raise children, and we need to keep it that way.

Something else we would like to address is all the gossip that has been going around, verbally and written in a certain newspaper. Please don't believe everything you hear or read. If we are all patient the truth will come out in the court hearings, but until then we would really appreciate it if the gossip and rumors would stop. A lot of them are quite upsetting to us when we hear them. So let's just let justice take its course now and not muddy the waters with rumors anymore.

Thanks again everyone, and may you all be blessed for being there in our time of need, and know we would be there for all of you too, if the situation were reversed.

Joel, Renee and Joey Rucker
