Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Waiting for a payback

| July 20, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

I thought the front page of the Western News (July 13, 2007) provided an interesting contrast between Libby and Troy with two projects supported by the fiscal benevolence of the Lincoln County Commissioners.

One article describes the "perfect setting" for family oriented activities at Troy's Roosevelt Park, while the adjacent article informs the taxpaying public that the Port of Authority, Libby's Industrial Park, will be given another $100,000 (on top of who knows what!).

Commissioner Roose states though, that she expects the Port to "stand on their own two feet" by 2008, and I can only assume that this definition of being self-sufficient will include paying back to the public, the public funds dumped into it.

I would like to suggest that when this happens, the money be used for Libby parks and possibly even a swimming pool, so our kids won't have to go to Troy to cool off on these 100 degree days.

Just a thought.

Tom Horelick
