Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Grant approval not a sure thing

| February 8, 2007 11:00 PM

To the Editor:

Having received many calls since our public meeting on Jan. 23, 2007, concerning funding for the infrastructure project associated with the Kootenai Business Industrial Park, I wish to remind everyone that funding for this project is not a sure thing.

Whether funding comes from the state of Montana through the Community Development Block Grant Program or through the Economic Development Administration, both are extremely competitive. Neither the state of Montana nor the Economic Development Administration has taken a position on this project. Both agencies are supportive of economic development, but the applications have not been completed nor submitted to the respective funding source.

As with any funding agency, the Economic Development Administration receives many more requests than they have funds. While the EDA is supportive of economic development in Libby and Lincoln County, it will weigh those needs against other proposed projects and needs of communities across its ten state region.

Dan O. Larson, Chairman

Kootenai Business Park

Industrial District