Tuesday, March 11, 2025

It's time for us to grow up and behave

| August 31, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

The hatred and distrust we have generated throughout other countries will come back to bite us.

I have formulated opinions based upon my observance of events and history. American forces are accustomed to being able to gallop over the world inflicting destruction and war under the guise of bringing justice, democracy and Christianity.

Especially, we will soon have to prove to the world that Christianity actually represents love and kindness. Does it? Do we really believe this; live this; preach this; and act accordingly as we attempt to dominate other civilizations?

Are we really functioning as a nation under our proclaimed democratic principles and Constitution?

The next war will be within.

The enemy, those who have learned to disrespect us, has been infiltrating into every community and throughout all states seeking our abundance.

However, in defense we will not be able to bomb endlessly and into oblivion because we would be demolishing our very own people, infrastructure, homes, schools and highways. Our own people's lives would be taken.

It will have to be the war of the minds, the values, and actions of individuals backed up by a top-down appointed enforcement agency, (armed and dictatorial) intruding into the privacy of our homes and lives seeking so-called traitors, intruders, terrorists. It will be hard to distinguish.

I see turmoil ahead. It will be a learning experience for Americans to say the least.

There will be other countries plus the greedy powerful of our own country, dividing up the spoils, the land, the natural resources.

Hopefully our Constitution will be rediscovered, reactivated, along with the government that our forefathers envisioned, perhaps under other nationalities and languages.

Our way of life may be extended to more of the general population. . . and also hopefully it will be a wiser, kinder, more compassionate nation with fair, distribution of the wealth based upon productive motivation, merit and justice rather than power and greed.

Prosperity and wealth will come through honest labor and worthiness. Truly needy will be provided for in the interests of helping them to ultimately provide for themselves to the extent of their capabilities.

All is not right with our nation, our government, our people, our way of life.

We have become self-centered, self-satisfied, demanding and arrogant.

Meanwhile we have naively, been sliding backward morally and intellectually.

We are due to be jolted into an awakening.

Clarice Ryan
