Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Fighting to put America first

| August 22, 2007 12:00 AM

By Rep. Michael Lange Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate Billings

America is being invaded every day. The media experts usually refer to this invasion as "illegal immigration," but it is anything but immigration. This invasion of the masses may prove to be among the worst things to ever happen to this nation. Why?

The first casualties of this invasion are blue-collar jobs, you know, the kind of jobs our parents did to raise most of us. The experts tell us that the loss of these blue-collar jobs is to be expected, due to the "global economy." For some odd reason, many Americans have bought into this rhetoric; perhaps because of the availability of so many "cheap" foreign-made things, but whatever the reason for our indifference, the effect is simple; America's standard of living is dropping.

Is it coincidence that the brunt of this invasion has occurred since President Bill Clinton signed NAFTA (North American Free Trade Act) into law? Of course, CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Act) and GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) have also contributed to the mess as well. All of these agreements should benefit our nation, but have they really done so and at what cost?

"Free trade" is a great concept, except that the very involvement of the governments signatory to these agreements ensures that there will be no true "free trade;" besides, nothing is ever "free" - especially our freedom, and that is slipping away bit by bit. Does anyone really believe that we will prevail economically against red China simply by opening our markets to their cheap labor, government-controlled and subsidized economy? How about letting them own and control our precious metals and natural resources? It's happening; all the while our standard of living slips a little more each day.

Congress has, at best, been lazy in dealing with the invasion of so many foreign nationals. Some would even say they have been derelict in their duty. The invasion must be stopped. Foreign trade agreements must be severely reformed or repealed. It is time to place America first - ahead of the special "globalization" agenda of the few. We are headed straight for a socialist society and that is unacceptable.

As your next U.S. Senator, I will defend our Constitution and place America first, where we belong.