Tuesday, March 11, 2025

A conspiracy felt at all borders

| August 10, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

The World Book Encyclopedia defines conspiracy as an agreement between two or more persons to do something against the law. Webster's adds the word "secret."

The term "conspiracy" is tossed around a lot. If something appears too extreme and unbelievable to be true it is easily labeled a conspiracy with a giggle, a wink and rolling of the eyes. Unfortunately this is why many critical, current events are escaping scrutiny, completely overlooked by an uninformed, naive public, news media, and even by our elected government officials.

Just because something is labeled a conspiracy does not necessarily mean that a conspiracy does not exist or that it is not actually happening. Even when authoritative, credible information is available it is often shrugged off by those who simply cannot accept the fact that such happenings could be possible.

The North American Union (NAU) and the (Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) do exist and, until very recently, have been under extensive development and planning for years without notification and involvement of Congress.

Fortunately last week a vote passed in Congress on an Amendment to a bill which would restrict funding for SPP ( H.R. 3074,Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2008).

Last week a press release quoted Resolution HCR 40, "Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not . . . enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada." I see here the potentially disastrous combination of NAU, SPP, NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC), and obvious deliberate fumbling by our administration of the illegals problem and Mexican invasion, all of which are closely linked and not by accident.

The NAU will be roughly patterned after the European Union (EU) and is being promoted through an end-run around our Congress and national sovereignty. It is the product of the Executive Branch and involves strategies for negotiating trade treaties directly through the President. We are seeing as Executive Branch appointees, a preponderance of Trilateral Commission members as well as the Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderbergers who are strong proponents of globalism, modern day "World Order."

Treaties and trade agreements such as General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) can supersede constitutional law. Fast Track authority provides Presidential action by-passing Congress, which made possible NAFTA in 1994 and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) in 2005.

As Ross Perot predicted NAFTA did, in fact, produce the giant sucking sound of manufacturing going south across the border, which in the end hurt not only the United States, but also the economy of Mexico.

Dr. Robert Pastor appeared on the stage pushing "deep integration" in his book, "Toward a North American Union," published in 2001. He wrote a paper "A Modest Proposal to the Trilateral Commission" in which he recommended a reorganization of the entire North American continent. He was appointed vice-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations task force with 23 members from Canada, United States and Mexico. Not exactly a modest proposal and all planned behind closed doors, these three countries were to be linked and bound together as a North American Community. Pastor, who was director of the Office of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs, had a central role in the giveaway of the Panama Canal in 1975.

Following the report from this task force the leaders of these three countries met together in Waco, Texas, March 23, 2005. World Net Daily reported: "The White House has established working groups, under the North American Free Trade Agreement office in the Department of Commerce, to implement the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or SPP, attended by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and then - Canadian Prime Minister, Paul Martin. The article even admitted that the Council on Foreign Relations, often the bane of paranoid conspiracy theorists, played a fundamental role in crafting the policy for the homogenization of the U.S., Canada and Mexico.( www.spp.gov.)

A second annual summit meeting took place March 30-31 in Cancun, Mexico. Apparently these SPP summits resulted in no signed agreements, but were accomplished through a series of regulations and executive decrees to avoid citizen watchdogs and legislative oversight.

The SPP in the U.S. is under the Dept. of Commerce and other Executive Branch agencies reporting to Commerce.

The framework on which the American Union is being pegged is the NAFTA Super Highway (now called Trans-Texas Corridor) four football-fields-wide stretching from southern Mexico through the U.S. up to Montreal, Canada with the Port of Entry in Kansas City. Ultimately it will have numerous spurs throughout the country. It is designed as a toll road, even with toll overpasses, (few in number). Extensive self-contained services will remove these economic benefits from local economies.

The contract is owned by Cintra corporation, which in turn is owned by Spain. Do you suppose this is an indication that Spanish (Mexican employed) will be spoken during the construction and operation of this highway?

The stated target for full implementation of the North American Union is 2010, but with long range on-going Corridor development. With the planned ultimate dissolving of the Mexican border and the merging of the two societies and cultures, is it any wonder that no significant current effort is being made to close those borders? Canada is also beginning to express concerns.

Obviously there has been much planning underway in secrecy by a very small group of powerful globalists to restructure the entire North American Continent. At the recent July 2007 Freedom 21 Conference held in Dallas, Texas lectures by key leaders of that state concerning this entire operation provided witness to the secrecy, pitfalls and extensive illegalities in the entire planning process.

There is increasing alarm and growing resistance by citizens of Texas and Oklahoma about the TCC. Their comments and additional information would constitute another lengthy article.

Apparently members of Congress are finally being made somewhat aware of this complex scheme, but it certainly lacks open publicity. We all need to retain contact with our Congressmen, express our concerns and voice our opinions on this highly critical matter which could constitute a major turning point in the history of our nation. Our very constitution, form of government and way of life is likely at stake.

Clarice Ryan
