Tuesday, March 11, 2025

An honest political party?

| August 8, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

Socialism has survived and grown more deadly. Plato, Marx, Lenin, Stalin (who's agents killed Trotsky in Mexico City), Mao, Pol Pot, and Che Gevarrah (all communists) are gone, and Castro is not far from hell.

F.D.R's socialistic "New Deal" is not just within us (the U.S.), it's growing by billions of dollars in our government. Harry Hopkins, Roosevelt's political advisor (A.K.A. "the kommisar" of the White House) would be amazed and delighted.

How can I make such a statement? What is my proof? Try this: why is Gorbachov running "Green Peace" out of the presidio in San Francisco, our old military base? Huh! When the Berlin Wall came down Soviet Russia (bankrupt) changed to a democracy (more rules, as our founding fathers called it). "Gorbie" had to leave Russia for the most "progressive" socialist country: the U.S.A. What? Why? Because he couldn't get elected dog-catcher back in Moscow.

For some years now, alas, our senators and congress men and women, have earned the titles of republic-"crats" and demo-"crats" because of all the social legislation they have foisted upon we tax-payers.

Social Security (1933) is 3 trillion dollars in debt. All of the Medicare and now all the doctors/pharmacy drugs are paid from our social "in"security. Add to that the SCHILD (sick child health) they are about to try to pass onto Social Security.

My daughter, when she is 62 or 65, won't get to retire because the plan will be totally bankrupt. How's that? It was a "Ponzi Skeem" from the start. They set retirement age at 65 because vital statistics told them nearly all "retirees" would be dead or near it.

This, and the previous, Congress should have passed the "Chilean plan" (a voluntary plan) #74E that started with 15 percent of the Chileans, now it's 97 percent and they get 4-6 percent return on their private securities investment and at death their heirs get the money not the government.

For this reason, and no permanent tax cut, and no Mexican border closure, I left the republican party in 2004 and am a constitution party of Montana activist. Do you want a socialist politician or one who honestly "does the business of the people"? That's the question each one of us must personally decide in the months ahead to 2008's election.

Freeman Johnson
