Thursday, October 24, 2024

Gambling addictions become worse with more new casinos

| April 25, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

Oh the bliss! A remodel job to enlarge and enhance the comforts of yet another casino.

Are the rest of you as excited as I am? A bigger and better environment for folks to go and "play" their money away.

Let's certainly not overlook the fact that on occasion a small few walk away with pockets bulging, but certain to find another hungry machine needing to be fed just down their block.

A good question to ask is, "How much and how many times did they play to earn their dividend?" Unfortunately the ratio never evens out. (Unless, of course, you win the lottery).

The real bonus is the trickle-down effect on the family at home waiting for the paycheck to arrive — only to have it jingle merrily down into the abyss.

Where will the money magically appear from now? How will they afford groceries, the light bill, the rent, the children's clothing and lunch money?

Sad to say, they often just go without. At this point you may be thinking, "It's their choice." No one made them put the money in those machines.

True, but anyone who understands addiction knows that the person is often no longer in control. The addiction has taken over and they can't stop without professional help. It appears to be a little late to raise a voice.

So why am I writing?

I have seen enough poverty, misery and domestic problems from gambling addiction to last me a lifetime! It seems there is a casino perched on every block.

To make matters worse, when a desperate family member attempts to track down their partner in hopes of recovering a portion of their elusive paycheck, some casino empties lie about their whereabouts.

I'm tired of watching old buildings in our community resurrected into new casinos with big-screen televisions and the comforts of home away from home, which is exactly what they'll need when they no longer have a home to come back to.

The sad reality is the children lose their homes and security to the monster of gambling addiction. So we can turn our heads, shut our eyes and zip our lips as we sacrifice families and values to the god of greed in the name of fun, games and short-lived euphoria.

I no longer choose to remain silent. I am a voice for those who suffer under the lasting consequences of this addiction. The select few benefit as the majority lose. Is anybody out there? Does anyone care?

Georgina Woody
