Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Achievements Inc. receives compassion award

| April 25, 2007 12:00 AM


In 2003, Carol Camp had used all her vacation and leave time to care for her sick father, who eventually died.

Then she received news that her son, Clint Jones, had been brutally murdered in Wichita, Kan.

Emotionally bankrupt and in need of an income, Camp was given additional time off from her job at Achievements Inc. Co-workers took up a collection to help her.

For their help, Camp nominated the nonprofit organization, that serves disabled individuals, for The Compassionate Friend°Os 2007 compassionate Employer Recognition Award.

Achievements recently received the award.

°)()(We are pleased that Achievements is among 81 employers, large and small, public and private, that are being recognized for providing the compassion and understanding that is vitally needed in the bereavement process,°+/- said Patricia Loder, executive director of The Compassionate Friends.

Compassionate Friends is the world°Os largest self-help bereavement organization providing support to families that have experienced the death of a child.

°)()(They always encouraged me to talk and the door was always open,°+/- Camp said. °)()(I will never forget how they provided me with endless love and compassion. The unconditional love and compassionate hugs from the clients continues to this day.°+/-

°)()(We tried to support Carol with time off and just letting her talk when she needed,°+/- added Pam Rhodes, program director for Achievements. °)()(Everybody offered support to her in their own way.°+/-

Not only was Camp told that her son had been shot but she also learned his body had been dismembered and burned. A6P5°)()(Clint was a good boy who made some very wrong choices but he did not deserve to die like that. No one does,°+/- she said.