Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Military does not abide by not telling possible recruits the truth

| April 6, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

Response to Jo Anne Thun's letter to the editor, April 2, 2007:

I was in the U.S. Navy for 28 years and loved every minute of it, it was the best thing that I could have ever done with my life. I am a patriot, and I am sure you are one also, but you do worry me in some ways.

You seem to be worried about recruiters lying to high school students; I am concerned about that also. When that does happen, those few unscrupulous recruiters are prosecuted under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The military does not abide by not telling possible recruits the truth. The contract with the military is just like any legal contract, you must read and know what's in it before you sign it.

There are many different vocations in the military, and all one has to do is apply some initiative and he or she can learn anything. During my 28 years I learned many great lessons and I grew in character. I learned most of all that America is the greatest nation on earth and she is worth putting my life on the line for. My daughter got the best education available, graduated summa cum laude from college and is now the proud wife of a very brave Air Force man (who just left for Afghanistan, after two tours in Iraq).

You mentioned pay; the military pay is in step with civilian pay, and they give you much more than a stipend, plus the benefits are exceptional.

As for the medical aspects, I don't know where you are coming from; I have always had the best medical treatment available for myself and for my family (while active duty and now as retired).

I think the military is a great place for the young people to experience life. Yes, there is a war going on and our soldiers, sailors, airman, and marines have been dying and getting wounded, that is part of war unfortunately. But this threat is serious and needs to be dealt with. Hiding your head in the sand will not make the terrorists go away.

Russ Bache