Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Democrats guilty of hypocrisy

| October 27, 2006 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

As we move toward the final week of the 2006 election year, I wish to express my thoughts on certain elected officials at the national level.

I do not condone the behavior of either the Republican or Democratic candidates who have been exposed for violations of the public trust while in office over the past few years. My frustration comes from the fact that many of those in the Democrat Party and their allies in the media are guilty of hypocrisy when reporting violations to the American people.

The following are examples of that hypocrisy that I found on a search of Google:

Compare former Sen. Robert Packwood, R-Ore., who was obliged to resign in disgrace his seat in 1998 because of his compulsion to kiss many of the females that had contact with him. In some instances he was found guilty of "groping" them.

Now compare this to President William J. Clinton, a Democrat, when in 1998 news of his political sex scandal emerged from a short-term sexual relationship with 22-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

All the details of that sexual encounter and lies made by President Clinton are now in history. After being subjected to impeachment, his only penalty was that his perjury allegations proved the Arkansas Supreme Court to suspend Clinton's law license in April 2000.

Clinton agreed to a five-year suspension and to pay a $25,000 fine on Jan. 19, 2001. He is still the darling of the Democratic party.

Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., is being investigated for possible influence-peddling by lobbyist Jack Abramoff. The media has failed to reveal that Democrat Leader Harry Reid was also a recipient of such funds. Where's the outrage on Sen. Reid's actions?

Burns refers to Arabs as "ragheads." He later apologizes. Gets all kinds of flack from the press.

Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W. Va., and a former member of the Ku Klux Klan, made reference to whites who are still opposed to civil rights by saying, "There are white n_______. I've seen a lot of white n_______ in my time; I'm going to use that word."

He later issued a statement apologizing for his remarks. Again, where was the outrage of the press?

Most recently, Mike Foley, R-Fla., was forced to resign after it was revealed that he had engaged in lurid sexual Internet correspondence with a 16-year-old House page.

As of this writing, there is no evidence yet of his laying a hand on anyone, let alone having sex with a page.

The media will not let this story alone.

Now, contrast that with the scandal of the late Rep. Garry Studds, D-Mass., who admitted to having sex with a 17-year-old male page. He was censured by the House of Representatives.

During the vote, which he was compelled by the House rules to be present for, Studds turned his back on the House to show his contempt for his colleagues' reprimand.

He was not expelled from the Democratic Caucus.

Later, at a press conference with the former page standing beside him, the two stated that what had happened between them was nobody's business but their own.

With all this from a grown man, Studds remained in the bosom of the Democrat Caucus in the House for the next 13 years. So much for sex with male pages. No one seemed to care until now, a few weeks before an election and a Republican is involved.

So this Nov. 7, set all these scandals behind and vote for the party that will remain tough on terror and resist the threats from Iran and North Korea. Vote Republican.

John Alex