Thursday, October 17, 2024

Carney shows leadership through service to her community

| October 25, 2006 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

My son and I are not letter writers, but will try to express our views.

We feel compelled to give our approval and support for Eileen Carney in her bid for legislative office.

We know that to lead, you must first serve. We have all observed her doing just that - serving our community, helping with Pets for Life and volunteering for the Heritage Museum.

We know she supports the industries producing jobs for Libby.

Contrary to what was wrongfully reported just before her last bid for election, she is a strong advocate for hunters and the right to bear arms.

The ones who accused her of not, before she could respond, were deceitful and wrong. In office she was respected and a person who worked with both parties to make Montana a better place to live.

While also in office, she consistently visited with Libby people, not just during pre-election months.

Neither my son nor I are active members of the Republican or Democrat parties. In fact we feel strong about voting for the person, not any particular party.

We have stayed away from politics all our lives, but now have to speak out and ask our friends to vote for another friend, Eileen Carney.

Charles O. Berget

Todd Berget