Wednesday, March 12, 2025

It's God's job, not yours, to pass judgment on what others do

| November 28, 2006 11:00 PM

Editor's Note: The following letter is a response to a letter to the editor from Freeman Johnson that appeared in the Wednesday, Nov. 22, issue of The Western News.

To the Editor:

You are right that God should make the decision. So let him, who are you to be judgmental on what others do? Oh yea, that's God's job also.

And yes there's more. Do you notice all the military men who are fighting the war in Iraq? Well guess what, there were many soldiers in many other wars who died so we can all make our own decisions. Not so someone can make them for us or judge them.

Thanks. Oh and by the way, I don't believe in abortion either - if it pertains to me.

Michael Krafka