Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Volunteers stand 10 feet tall in eyes of those they serve

| November 2, 2006 11:00 PM

To the Editor:

Whenever the fire alarm sounds or an ambulance siren sounds, we know that someone is having a bad day. We should reflect on the simple truth that it could be us that needs the firemen or the emergency response teams.

Number one, the dispatchers at the 911 lines are the first to know what needs are to be met. Our EMTs are trained and continue to train to be able to save lives. The Libby Fire Department and the Cabinet View fire station are ready at any time of day or night to save lives and property that belongs to others.

These volunteers may not be able to be picked out of a crowd of us regular people, but they stand 10 feet tall in the eyes of those they serve. We depend on the police and county sheriffs 24/7. Citizens that receive their protection cannot even imagine their job description.

Treasure Manor Residents and Management