Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Libby schools provided gift to successful college students

| March 30, 2006 11:00 PM

To the Editor:

A note of thanks to the Libby Public Schools. As parents who have had two children progress through the Libby Public Schools from K to 12, we appreciate the gift of education our children received.

This experience well equipped them for their educational future. They each have since completed college and graduate work.

To all the individuals on the school board, in administration, the teachers, the maintenance professionals and school bus drivers who participated in the caring for, nurturing, inspiring of our children and all the other children who walk through the door of the Libby Public Schools, we want to say whole-heartedly, "Thank you." Your job is often thankless, unappreciated and unnoticed, but the children in your care are the most valuable possession of this community. Thank you for your continued service.

It is a challenging task and we thank God for your efforts.

Terry and Thesia Crooks