Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Kootenai River Rodeo starts Friday night

| July 28, 2006 12:00 AM

Some 129 contestants are expected for this weekend's Kootenai River Rodeo in Libby.

That's a little more than last year, said Louise Rice, executive director for Libby Area Chamber of Commerce.

"We've got pretty much a full boat," Rice said. "We just keep increasing our numbers one notch at a time."

Hosted by the chamber, the rodeo begins at 7:30 p.m. on both Friday and Saturday at J. Neils Memorial Park. Daily tickets are $8 if purchased before 2:30 p.m. Friday or $10 at the gate. Children 6 and under free. Gates open at 4 p.m.

Tickets can be purchased at the chamber office along U.S. Highway 2 next to Fireman's Park, Homesteader's Ranch & Feed Supply, Timberline Auto, all in Libby, and Trojan Lanes in Troy.

The Professional Cowboy Association rodeo will include women's barrel racing, bull riding, bareback and saddle bronc, tie down and team roping, and steer wrestling. For 2005, the rodeo received a second-year, most-improved rodeo award from the Montana Professional Cowboy Association.

New to this year's rodeo is a queen pageant, Mutton Bustin' sheep roundup for youngsters, miniature bull riding event and the return of the mechanical bull.

The rodeo queen will be crowned at 6:30 p.m. Friday in the arena. Candidates are Codi Watkins, Morgan Graham and Jessica Kirkpatrick. The queen and contestants will participate in the grand entry on July 29, and parades for Logger Days, Troy's Fourth of July, Tobacco Valley Rodeo and Nordicfest.

Winners of the coloring contest will be announced after Friday's coronation.

Those wishing to participate in the Mutton Bustin' and miniature bull riding contests must register at the chamber office prior the rodeo. The office is open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The rodeo will include vendors and food booths, entertainment, autograph sessions with rodeo personnel, and rodeo activities for youngsters.

Libby band 8 Seconds Flat will play both nights following the rodeo. Its members are P.J. Morrison, Robynn Jaeger, and Byron and Tyson Sanderson.

For information or to purchase tickets, contact the chamber at 293-4167.