Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Experts to assess revitalization efforts

| July 21, 2006 12:00 AM

Two experts on downtown revitalization will visit Libby next week to learn about Libby Revitalization Inc.'s efforts and to recommend a course of action.

Todd Barman, program officer with the National Trust Main Street Center, and Mel Walters, coordinator for the state main street program administered by the Department of Commerce, will arrive in Libby on Monday to begin two days of interviews, tours and meetings. Following the assessment, they will meet with program and community leaders to present their observations and to propose a course of action to strengthen the downtown revitalization efforts.

"The assessment will provide us with an objective analysis of what we are doing well and ways we can improve," said Betty Jo Wood, LRI executive director. "The National Trust Main Street Center has worked with over 1,900 towns and cities and has a wealth of experience to share with us. We're hoping that the assessment will help us figure out what strategies we should pursue and what specific actions we should take to revitalize the downtown area."

Barman said the assessment will focus on the program's and downtown's greatest needs and will give program staff and volunteers an achievable list of activities to strengthen the downtown's economy and make the best possible use of its historic and traditional commercial buildings.

"A community's downtown is one of the most important parts of its economy," Barman said. "It is also the community's most public place, a place that truly belongs to everyone and that reflects the community's evolution and vision. A healthy downtown is a sign of a healthy community."

The assessment has four major objectives:

* To identify some of the commercial district's major strengths, problems, opportunities, and needs.

* To showcase and highlight what LRI is doing well and to provide recommendations for getting better.

* To provide information to community members about the Main Street approach to commercial district revitalization.

* To recommend a course of action for the short term.

As part of the assessment, Barman and Walters will hold a public meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25, in the Ponderosa Room at Libby City Hall. Everyone interested in the revitalization of downtown Libby is welcome to attend. To reserve a place at the meeting, call LRI at 293-7792 no later than Monday, July 24.

The Montana Department of Commerce recently made formal approval of main street applications for the communities of Polson, Anaconda, Red Lodge, Libby, Stevensville and Butte. Passed by the Montana Legislature in 2005, the state main street program is a comprehensive approach to the revitalization of traditional business districts. The underlying premise is to encourage economic development within the context of historic preservation utilizing a four-point approach of design, organization, economic restructuring, and promotion.