Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Political candidates begin filing

| January 24, 2006 11:00 PM

Filing opened Monday for candidates seeking state and county offices in the November election.

By the end of the business day, candidates had filed for county commissioner, sheriff, treasurer, clerk and recorder and state representative.

Marianne Roose, a Democrat, filed for re-election to the county commissioner's seat for District 3. County commissioners are elected to six-year terms.

Clay Coker, who serves as chief of the Libby Police Department, filed as a Republican candidate for county sheriff. The office is currently held by Daryl Anderson, a Democrat.

Sharon Hicks, currently employed as the sheriff's secretary, filed as a Republican candidate for clerk and recorder. Incumbent Democrat Coral Cummings, who has served for the past 16 years, said she plans to retire at the end of her current term and will not seek re-election.

Treasurer Geri Miller, a Democrat, filed for re-election. Nancy Trotter Sutton, who currently works in the county superintendent of schools office, filed as a Republican candidate for the position.

Eileen Carney filed as Democratic candidate for District 1 in the state House of Representatives. The seat is currently held by Republican Ralph Heinert, who unseated Carney in the 2004 election.

Other county offices to be filled in this year's election include county coroner, county attorney, county superintendent of schools, justice of the peace in Libby and Eureka. Other state offices include state representative for District 2 and state senator for District 1.

Filing for candidates closes on March 23.