Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Mayor is ultimately responsible for removal of snow berms

| December 21, 2006 11:00 PM

To the Editor:

I see that the mayor has chosen to mis-represent what I said in my letter to the editor about the snow berms.

I specifically did not criticize the snow removal crews, as he claims. They do a fine job, but they clear streets as directed.

I was critical of the policy of leaving berms on Mineral for the parade and longer. Why schedule a parade if you had no intent on clearing the parade route?

Since the mayor was at the meeting for snow removal, we can assume it was the mayor's decision not to clear Mineral. He knew about the parade but chose to do nothing.

As far as his suggestion that I show up at these snow removal meetings, that's his job. He's elected mayor, paid as mayor, and should act on behalf of the citizens, which includes the downtown businesses and all those who planned for this parade and came out to view it.

So don't twist the meaning of my letter and try to pass the buck, Mr. Mayor. The issue is that it's an ongoing problem and has been for years. Mine wasn't the first letter about snow berms, and, as can be seen by your answer, most likely won't be the last.

There were five days before the parade to remove the berm. There were also several requests from downtown businesses to have the berm removed before the parade. It wasn't removed. As you stated, it is not the fault of the snow removal crews. It's those who direct them where to go. And as you have admitted Mr. Mayor, that is you.

Brian Sherry