Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Dangerous corner at Eighth and Minnesota needs attention

| August 30, 2006 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

This letter is directed at the city council members and the citizens of Libby, in hopes of bringing a serious problem to their attention.

On the southeast corner of Eighth Street and Minnesota Avenue, we have a blind corner. In the past two years, I have witnessed two and know of one other accident. I have also witnessed many close calls.

Just a couple of weeks ago, the last accident, a young child was involved. I hope the mother of that child realizes how lucky she was that day. A few days after that accident, I witnessed a full-size road grader come from Ninth Street, and it was doing at least 40 mph in the span of one block. I was amazed! If another driver would have been coming from the east on Eighth, someone might have died.

I know this is a busy world and we're all in a hurry, but come on people! How much time can you really save in town? A few seconds? At best! Are those few seconds really worth risking your life, or worse, your child's life?

I know this isn't the only problem corner in Libby, and we can't put stop signs on every corner, but we must be responsible and correct the dangerous ones. Come on council members! Protect your citizens, because in reality, people are not going to slow down.

M. Ellis Dunn