Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Calling woman and children liars doesn't show respect, civility

| August 16, 2006 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

This is in regards to D.C Orr's letter.

Where do I start? Let's start by saying, you say them Nazis are just misguided youths, well it seems to me misguided youths add up to dangerous adults like Gacy and Manson.

The comments about my wife being afraid for her life — yes, let them yell racist remarks and it may turn into stopping the car and pulling out the occupants next time. The B.S. about coaching the kids — sir do you know our daughters? As you said misguided youths that may act upon their misguidedness as they did in Columbine.

Do you even know these people? Are they normal or are they just headcases?

Another thing — what are you talking about, don't advocate violence! Do you know yelling at your spouse is domestic abuse?

Oh, and here is a good one — dangerous men (hahahaha). If more people like you just say oh, just allow it to happen, don't call the police, let's not cause them any trouble, then nothing will ever change because they will think it's cool and that thay are in control. Well I don't think so. That's not going to happen here.

And your deal with Daniel Waters — if you're intimidated by him well I don't know what to say for you, the guy's about an eighth of a mile per hour and he doesn't direct his communism at any one person by violently cursing and yelling racial slurs.

Ok, well what really gets me is the part where you talk about false police reports! There you go calling our 11-year-old a liar. That's a bad thing to do.

You speak of respect and civility with your mouth like you know the meaning of either of them, but if you did then you would know not to call a man's wife and kids liars.

Scott Burshia