Wednesday, March 12, 2025


| August 11, 2006 12:00 AM

The Environmental Protection Agency's media darling, Paul Peronard, is back in charge of the Libby Superfund site. And it's a good thing.

Peronard, of shaven head, twin Kokopelli tattoos on his forearms and earring, was the on-site coordinator who proved that the Libby site was as bad as media reports suggested back in 1999. He brought together the federal agency's technical management team to support those findings, create a plan to begin addressing the cleanup - bringing together a divided community

For nearly the past year the EPA has been fighting with local groups such as the Technical Management Group, the Community Group and O & M group on the wording and science to be included in the final cleanup plan and the Record of Decision for the Libby Superfund site.

Back before he left Libby when the remedial stage of the cleanup had started, he told us the contentious discussion lay ahead: How clean was clean.

We've been there and the community isn't satisfied.

Local groups have had some success in bringing back many of the technical managers that worked the early days of the Superfund, and others purported to among the best. You can be assured that Peronard will supply the rest.

These two documents will establish the future development of this community, which is why it is so important for all residents, business owners and property owners to understand what is happening.

It seems odd that the EPA can be cleaning structures without a final plan in place. There may be some properties re-cleaned as the cleanup parameters are adjusted.

Some property owners are certainly hoping so. Whatever the outcome, Peronard will make sure it's done right. - Roger Morris