Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Giving back to Wings

| April 28, 2006 12:00 AM

Jerry Fisher is doing what he can to give something back to Wings Regional Cancer Support after receiving assistance from the organization during his own run-in with the disease.

An intricately crafted wooden bowl, assembled from nearly 200 pieces of wood, will be among the items auctioned off at the Cinco de Mayo dinner on Saturday, May 6, at the Yaak River Tavern to kick off the annual Wings Week fundraiser. Fisher made the bowl, based on Hopi Indian designs, from four kinds of hardwood, including birch from the Fisher River area, using a homemade lathe.

Fisher said he's been working with wood "forever" and started making bowls after putting his lathe together two years ago. The bowl is his way of helping out the organization that's supported him through an arduous series of cancer treatments.

"There's always somebody else coming down the road," he said. "As much as the financial deal, it's a mental boost that somebody gives a damn."

Wings helps cancer patients and their families defray out-of-pocket expenses, like fuel, food and lodging, that aren't covered by insurance. For Fisher and his wife, Shelly, traveling nearly 100 miles for treatments day after day was taking its toll.

"That daily treatment in Kalispell is a killer with gas prices now," Fisher said.

"The doctor told him to get a girlfriend in Kalispell, then he wouldn't have to drive back and forth," Shelly joked. "I'm going, 'I don't think so!'"

The Fishers were among 148 recipients of Wings' support last year. The aid totaled $83,807, including $44,418 in Lincoln County and $39,389 in Flathead County.

The Cinco de Mayo dinner at the Yaak River Tavern starts at 6:30 p.m., with tickets for the Mexican buffet priced at $7 per person. A variety of items and services have been donated for raffle and auction. For more information, call 295-5159.

Bowling tournaments to benefit Wings will be held in Libby and Troy at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 9. The no-tap tournaments will feature four-person teams. For more information, call 293-7842 for Libby or 295-5024 in Troy.

Wednesday, May 10, will be Dollar Day in Libby and Troy, when the communities will be canvassed by volunteer walkers seeking $1 donations. Volunteers will meet at 5 p.m. at the fire hall in Libby and at the park across from Morrison Elementary in Troy. Donations may also be dropped off at First National Bank in both communities. For more information, call Connie Wood at 293-6228 (work) or 293-4380 (home) in Libby or Judy Orr at 295-4536 or Bonnie Price at 295-4773 in Troy.

The week will wrap up on Saturday, May 13, with a variety show at 7 p.m. at the Memorial Center in Libby. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased at Cabinet Books and Music.