Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Support of community builds something special

| April 19, 2006 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

Lincoln County is home to many treasures below and above ground. As spring approaches we look forward to seeing the magnificent beauty. But we are blessed with other treasures in the many diverse and talented people who call Lincoln County home.

We have a group of individuals with developmental disabilities, a lot of whom are a part of Achievements Inc. but around town you might know of them as The Lincoln County Wolfpack, Special Olympians, Honorary Loggers (see below), and a select group of athletes known as The Unified Basketball Team who include Mike Norris, Shon Foote, Mark Magera, Brent Futrell, Robbie McDonald, Josh Anderson, Les Anderson, Asa Anderson and Ray Mitchell.

The Unified Basketball Team took first in state for Montana this year and will be representing our state in Ames, Iowa, at the Special Olympic Games to be held June 29-July 9.

The heart and soul they play with is infectious and as they prepare for their big date with destiny some of the Libby Loggers have generously shared their time in practice games with them. To date these LHS players include Matt Schad, Brian Hermsmeyer, James Aarstad and Josh and Jeremy Chumley.

Special Olympics pays for most of the players' way but each player is asked to raise $500 for expenses to go to nationals. Within the next few weeks you will be seeing some fund-raising going on including the annual Chevy truck raffle, a car wash on April 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Also plan on coming June 8 at 7 p.m. for a fantastic fun fundraiser between the LHS Loggers and the Unified Basketball Team. That idea has been enthusiastically taken up by many athletes and fans alike. So be looking for the upcoming "home game."

Also, donations may be made to Glacier Area Special Olympic Fund.

Libby High School has been most generous with including our Special Olympians at Achievements in too many ways to name. At the LHS Time Trials Track Meet held Tuesday, April 25, on the high school track at 3 p.m., the Honorary Loggers from Achievements open the event with a relay race. It will include electric wheelchair athletes including Ron Klin (whose twin brother Rick is locally famous for his winter polar bear activities in some very cold water). Also regular wheelchairs as well as sprinters and walkers.

This will be the second year in a row that the LHS has included athletes with developmental disabilities in a track meet and allowed them the name of Honorary Loggers. That title has given them much happiness and they wear their shirts with pride. They also use the track time to prepare for Special Olympic Area and State Games. In return the Honorary Loggers attend every sports event possible and are among the Loggers' biggest fans.

Sharon Chumley

Achievements Inc.