Wednesday, March 12, 2025

So-called roadless lands on forest need return to multiple use

| April 12, 2006 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

When the people of Flathead County vote on roadless land use this November, I would like to see them ask that all this so-called roadless land be put back to multiple-use. Environmentalists are working hard to keep this land designated as roadless for future wilderness when the political climate is ripe.

I have been told by people who know some of this land quite well that there are a lot of old roads and even campgrounds, and even old cabins on some of this land. So why should it be called roadless? On the Kootenai, I myself know of roads to several cabins and mine pits. I have helped dig a couple of these pits many years ago, so I know they are there. So when the wilderness motto "untrammeled by man" comes into play, sorry but this roadless land does not qualify.

Let's put it back to multiple use where it belongs. Even multiple use is a joke on the Kootenai with most of the forest roads gated part time or all the time.

I think the Bush Administration is right; they should sell 14,000 acres of this land, at least we would get some money for our schools.

Harvey Fredricksen