Wednesday, March 12, 2025

LHS student touched by news of baby's death

| April 7, 2006 12:00 AM

By GWEN ALBERS Western News Reporter

News reports about a sick baby in a Missoula hospital touched Aimee Nixon's heart.

And when three-month-old Carson White died on Feb. 1, the Libby High School senior wanted to do something.

Nixon with help from classmate Katie Marshall set out donation cans at Larson Lumber in Troy and Ace Home Center, Rosauers Food and Drug, Libby Drug and Empire Foods, all in Libby. She raised $256 for the baby's parents, Josh and Laurie White. The money will go to the hospital's nursery.

"I read the article and wanted to help," said Nixon, who on April 15 will present the money to the Whites. "I love little kids."

Carson White was born four months early, weighing only 1 pound, 12 ounces. His premature birth was due to his 20-year-old mother suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning.

The Whites attended a Marine birthday ball at Rock Creek Resort in Red Lodge. A leak from the pool's heating system poisoned her and more than 40 partygoers. Within weeks, Laurie White went into early labor. Carson was born Dec. 10 with heart, lung and stomach complications.

"He was a strong little guy," Nixon said. "He had stuck in there with great force. He touched a lot of people's hearts. Libby and Troy proved that."

Nixon's efforts didn't surprise Shelley Fisher, who teaches consumer science at Libby High School.

"She just has a lot of initiative and she's just a very caring young lady," Fisher said.

"She's always helping people," added Libby sophomore Serena Murray.

Nixon plans to give the Whites the money in a piggy bank she made for Carson. Nixon also wrote a poem for the baby.

"I would like to say to Carson even though he can't talk back to me that 'Carson you will be missed a lot. You touched a lot of people's hearts here in your home state of Montana, and you touched them deep in their hearts. You will never be forgotten.'"