Saturday, March 15, 2025

Pool opened things economically in another community

| October 19, 2005 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

I would like to take this time to make a point(s) in favor of the proposed pool.

First it seems that everyone is focused on the proposed tax increase. They use the example of $79 increase for a $100,000 home. But most homes that will see the tax increase are less than $75,000 so your tax would be around $60 a year or $5 a month. That's less than the price of lunch and this is the main sticking point?

I have been here for just over 2 1/2 years and found this area a great place to live. I am on disability from a work-related illness so I don't need a job to live here. But I have 2 boys who would like to live and work here after high school. Without some growth they may not be able to.

This is where a pool can help. I came from a place that just 10 years ago was struggling to survive. In 1993 the pool opened and things began to change. People came from the surrounding area to use the pool. They would eat and do some shopping, spending money locally and helping to start the growth.

In 1995 Delta won an All-American City Award. One of the top ten reasons was the pool. Delta was a place you had to pass by on your way to somewhere else; now it's a destination stop. New shopping centers, jobs, better services both in city and county can all be pinpointed to the pool.

The last point I would like to make is this: In 1995 a home in Delta was around $68,000 and in 2004 they are around $110,000 an increase of $42,000.

So for me, now that I own property here, I am willing to pay now. In turn we get a pool, a service that will bring growth and jobs to Libby and if my home only has a value increase of $500 a year I am willing to pay $79. It's just smart investing all around.

Rod Whelchel