Saturday, March 15, 2025

Another lovely new parking lot

| October 12, 2005 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

I can see it now, Libby! A lovely new parking lot to welcome guests to your beautiful town!

Yes! I think you should name it "Libby School Board Memorial Parking Lot"! (In memory of the soon-to-be ex-board members, of course) Or why not "Huntsberger Alley"? People will marvel at the depths to which your school board went to erect such a monument to themselves.

Just think of the possibilities! You could hold an annual sidewalk chalk art contest. How about planning that one for January? Tourists will flock to see such a sight and with plenty of parking in your town, who could pass up such events?

Oh come on, naysayers, who couldn't use another blacktop? What would you want with a warm, inviting, full-of-character building messing up the landscape?

I must have been dreaming when I thought I read that you hard-working taxpayers paid actual money for a vote to save that parking obstruction. Even more perplexing is the mystery of why the board members have gone to such lengths to pave it. Do they know something you don't?

Theresa Schultz Proctor