Friday, December 27, 2024

Full circle

| May 6, 2005 12:00 AM

It's back in the hands of the Libby school board.

Voters overwhelming supported selling the old Libby High School 70-29 percent in Tuesday's election, which the school board is calling a straw poll.

We need to move forward on this issue. If the school trustees need more information, then ask the questions so a decision can be made or find the people to determine the answers needed

A decision on this has been too long coming. Unfortunately very few of the question marks for tearing down the old building and for selling it to a group to remodel the building continue to exist.

Perhaps the best way to approach it is for the trustees to consider one question: What is in the publc's best interest? To answer that they need to know what the land would be used for if the school was torn down and what the building would be used for if rebuilt. Also they need to know timelines. We don't need another Shed 6-type project.

For those who would dismiss the results of the election because of the low turnout: The world is run by those who show up.

There's a lot of positive momentum happening in the community and the school trustees need to get in synch with it. Don't let this decision languish until gravity makes a decision for us.