Sunday, March 16, 2025

Bernard Burk

| March 29, 2005 11:00 PM

Former Troy resident Bernard (Bernie) Burk, 49, of Manhattan, died on March 21, 2005 at his home.

He was born on Oct. 11, 1955, at Heron to Stephen and Adeline Jenness Burk.

He grew up and attended schools at Heron and Troy.

Bernie logged, farmed and worked as a mechanic in the Troy area before he moved to Manhattan to begin ranching full time.

He loved ranch life and was married for a brief time, and was later divorced.

A kind man, Bernie dearly loved his nieces, nephews and extended family. He had many friends and enjoyed baking cookies for them and their children. He also loved camping and animals, especially his kittens.

Several months ago Bernie had a work-related accident and was cared for by his niece Lori and her husband Brent and their children Taylor and Hannah.

This was a special time for all of them.

Bernie was preceded in death by his parents, brothers Joe and Jack, and sister Dorothy.

Survivors include five brothers, Steve and his wife Della, Trout Creek; Jim and his wife Dana, Corpus Christi, Texas; Patrick and his wife Jeanne, Trout Creek; Frank and his wife Sandy, Reno, Nev., and Sam and his wife Arealla, Las Vegas, Nev.; sisters Donna Heidecker and her husband Danny; Mary Kinzer and her husband Dale, all of Spokane; Linda Walker, Troy, and Pam Teets and her husband Rick of Kalispell and numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great nephews.

The family suggests memorials be made to a children's charity of the donor's choice.

Funeral services were conducted on Saturday, March 26, at 11 a.m. at Bunch-Toews Funeral Chapel in Thompson Falls.