Saturday, March 15, 2025

Socialism has failed every time

| March 15, 2005 11:00 PM

To the Editor:

Last week Ms. Carney wrote:

"To put a pittance in one pocket while taking a fistfull of dollars from another is not good fiscal policy."

How true that is! But this "sleight of hand" talent of fleecing hard-working Americans was invented and mastered by the Democrats with the invention of the welfare system. And after finding it so easy to just tax and spend, Democrats have pursued every opportunity to do so.

The words "fiscal responsibility" and "politician" should never be used in the same sentence, they are pure oxymorons.

As April quickly approaches all hard-working citizens sit down to perform the daunting task of filing paperwork with the IRS (and for those of you that don't know, I.R.S. stands for "It's Really Stealing"). Tax breaks are few and far between and finding them in a tax code booklet that makes the St. James Bible seem like "light reading" is next to impossible. Wouldn't it be nice if they just simplified it? "Flat-tax." Sure has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

So, I can only gather by Ms. Carney's letter that she would not want to offer any special breaks to Mines Management in their attempt to get the Montanore open and running. Does she believe there should be no tax breaks for a company willing to spend their money in Libby. That's sad, they need our full support!

We can learn a lot from history. One thing we can learn is that Socialism has been tried in the past, and has failed every time. Capitalism has succeeded. I think we need to get away from "hand-outs" and get back to "hand-ups."

Marchette Momb