Saturday, March 15, 2025

LA firemen impressed, thankful for Libby community efforts

| June 29, 2005 12:00 AM

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following letter was addressed to Rod Brossman and the David Thompson Search and Rescue, Lt Robby Bowe and the staff at the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department and to all the citizens of Libby.

The personnel at FS 111, and speaking for Norm and Kit Branch, would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for your efforts in assisting the Branch family in their recent tragic events. When Sean Branch was swept away in the Kootenai River, your organizations and your community stepped up immediately and worked tirelessly for days coordinating and conducting the search efforts, taking care of the Branch family, as well as opening your town and your lives to the members of our department that came up to assist in the search.

We cannot begin to express how much this has meant to Norm and Kit, and to all his friends and co-workers here in California. We deeply appreciate your many, many hours of effort in this tragic situation. Those of us that could not travel to Montana heard nothing but good reports concerning the warmth and hospitality of Libby.

It helps us to know that the Branch family is in good hands, within a caring and loving community such as yours

The personnel of FS 111