Saturday, March 15, 2025

Softball tourney honors Fred McDougall, raises money

| June 22, 2005 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

The citizens of Troy have done it again.

They have made my family feel honored when the annnual softball tournament was renamed in my dad's memory. My dad would have loved it, too, since he spent many hours traveling to softball tournaments and "cheerleading" during each game with many other faithful followers.

This was the sixth year of the tournament and each year, people volunteer hours and hours to make it a success. This year was no different with Jody and Shelly Jones, Shannnen and Treves Rohrich and Joy and Ross Savage organizing the treams, cook shack volunteers, umpires, scorekeepers, beer garden workers and the band. Who knows how many hours all the volunteers worked this weekend — and all for a great cause — to earn money for scholarships.

This softball tournament was one of the best ever with the weather even being perfect. Ball players were in high spirits and the fan participation exceeded every expectation. The Brian Lloyd band proovided upbeat, social atmosphere that made it a great tournament. The family of Fred McDougall wants to thank you for the special honor and an unforgettable weekend.

Heather McDougall
