Saturday, March 15, 2025

Show Up

| June 15, 2005 12:00 AM

If the world is truly run by those who show up, then that's what we must do this week.

Gov. Brian Schweitzer is making his first visit to Libby since winning election. On Thursday, the gov will be meeting with the county commissioners in the morning but in the afternoon he has scheduled a Town Meeting to discuss the roadless issue, the asbestos cleanup, U.S. Highway 2, Amtrak and more.

The governor has pretty much said he wants to hear from the public and what concerns the public. It's time to put up or shut up.

The Town Meeting is at 3 p.m. at the Memorial Center. If you want to accomplish something, here's the chance.

On Friday, the Dome Theater reopens after an extensive remodeling. I mean extensive. I've been in amongst the workers and the transformation is amazing.

Comfortable seats with cup holders and more leg room than I know what to do with, fresh paint on every surface conceivable in the auditorium, and the walls of the lobby as well as the restroom, new bathroom fixtures, and the musty old curtains hanging on the wall of the auditorium are gone revealing the great old art-deco panels underneath.

Why should we care about the theater? Well for one thing if the Dome is unable to survive, we won't see another movie theater in this town for a long time. I lived in a town that lost it's twin theater because of lack of support. It's not a good thing.

So when the Dome opens Friday with the latest chapter of Star Wars, we need to cram the theater with bodies. It's also a great way to say thanks to the Wilsons for investing so much in the community.

Finally, on Saturday, the Libby Library is holding a dessert and art auction to raise money for its ongoing remodeling project.

Eureka and Troy have already been down this road in recent years and those communities responded with amazing generosity.

With a little push, we could wrap up the fundraising for Libby in the next week. The Lincoln County Libraries Foundation has provided numerous ways for people to participate in this effort. If you can't give a cash donation, then show up Saturday for dessert and help things out.

The libraries in this area are among the most used facilities we have. Let's step up and keep them among the best facilities we have. — Roger Morris