Saturday, March 15, 2025

Forest roads littered with bottles, cans, trash

| June 3, 2005 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

With the great weather over the Memorial Day weekend, most folks had the opportunity to enjoy the forest, the lakes, camping, boating, fishing and being able to recreate in this beautiful country we live in.

The troops and veterans from all wars were remembered for the sacrifices they have given to us, to keep us free and to have the ability to enjoy this beautiful country.

As we rode our ATVs through the woods this weekend it was a bit discouraging to see all the beer and pop cans, bottles and cartons left alongside the roads and in the fire pits. Along with the oil containers and just plain trash.

The folks that throw their bottles, cans and trash out the window need to realize that someone else enjoys the woods just as they do. The Forest Service has a great saying for folks going through the woods and camping "Pack It In, Pack It Out." Learn to throw your trash back in the carton and drop it off at one of the free dumpsters or the landfill. If your need to throw the cans and bottles out is to be able to find your way home, you had better get a map and learn how to use it.

We all need to keep the woods a place of beauty and put our trash where it belongs. Being able to enjoy recreation where ever it may be is a lot nicer if it is litter free. Take some time and help keep it clean.

Nancy Jackson