Saturday, March 15, 2025

More 'not-so-random' acts of kindness needed in community

| July 20, 2005 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

Anne Murray recorded the song "Lord I hope this day is good," and today, June 30, 2005, was a very good day! Two people in our community reached out to my 87-year-old grandmother, Thelma Decker, who is the anchor and treasure of our family.

She walks nearly every day from her home, where she lives with my parents, down Woodland Road to the highway and back. She used to rest against the power pole by the highway but recently began sitting on the fence under the Woodland R.V. Park sign instead. Thanks to the people who have stopped to check on her or offered her a ride home when she was walking and resting alone.

Many Forest Service employees walk this road also during their breaks. Two very special people, Nancy and Daniel, have become acquainted with and befriended my grandmother during her walks. They have become very near and dear to her heart as well as ours.

A while ago they jokingly said that she should have a bench to rest on for her walks. Today, while walking with grandma and resting on the fence, Nancy and Daniel pulled up in their pick-up. They had already been to the R.V. Park and asked permission from the new manager, Sally, to install a bench which was handmade by the couple. Permission was granted by Sally, on behalf of the new owners, Jeff and Leslie Forster. Nancy and Daniel showed grandma the bench, had her pick out the spot to place it, and even try it out before they installed it. Daniel took a couple hours off work to bolt it to the fence while Sally was laminating the sign, "Thelma's Bench," that Nancy had made.

I know that they didn't do it for publicity or acknowledgment, but I want to thank Nancy, Daniel and Sally for the joy and warmth that they brought to grandma's heart — and to our family. People like them give you faith in the human race again.

It may seem like a small thing, but isn't it refreshing to hear a little good news today?! What would happen in our community if we all showed such "not-so-random" acts of kindness?

Rhonda Gifford