Saturday, March 15, 2025

Increase in building permits reported for 2004

| January 4, 2005 11:00 PM

The number of building permits issued in Libby was expected to increase for 2004, according to city building inspector John Norberg.

Norberg said the number of permits issued for 2003 was 32 and by the end of 2004 he expected that number to increase by 10 or 12.

The numbers include all permits issued for building and remodeling of houses and commercial buildings. However, most of the 32 include new commercial buildings or remodeling.

Mayor Tony Berget said building seems to go in spurts with houses being built in the past and now commercial buildings are being built.

³It¹s nice to see construction inside the city,² he said.

Norberg said part of the reason for the increase in commercial building is people trying to make a living and stay in Libby.

Libby Revitalization Inc. director Betty Jo Wood said that the growth in commercial building seems to be a response to people moving to Libby.

³People have started to find Libby,² she said.

In fact, the number of new homes built in Lincoln County for 2004 is expected to be at or slightly above the same level as 2003, according to Mike Noser, appraiser for the department of revenue.

The number of new homes in Lincoln County for 2003 was 160 and although official numbers for 2004 won¹t be available until March, Noser expects to ³at least meet, if not beat that number.²

Wood said that although many people who are moving to Libby are retired they require services, so that has translated into growth.

One of the positives has been that local people are starting businesses, she said.

³It¹s growing within,² she said. ³It¹s something I¹d really like to see. If someone wants to start a business they should be able to do it.²

Besides new buildings, some businesses have been expanding, remodeling or improving storefronts.

³It¹s been a domino effect,² Wood said. ³One does it and another says Œthat looks pretty good.¹²

She said the businesses that have remodeled have had a positive response.

Mary Devlin, owner of Shoes and Socks, remodeled the front and inside of her store.

She said the response she had from people was that it was ³nice.²

She decided to remodel because she wanted to make it look nice and make it more customer friendly.

With the number of building permits increasing, work for some contractors has also increased.

³It seems like it¹s been busy for the past couple years,² said Jim Regh of Regh J L General Contractors Inc.

He said the increase in building has forced him to turn down work.

He added that the increase ³seems to be continuing.²