Friday, December 27, 2024

Sunday, May 30, 2004

| February 21, 2005 11:00 PM

Americans pay tribute on Memorial Day to those who fell in battle defending our country. The observance had its beginning following the Civil War. Today we honor all of America's war dead-those who died so that freedom might live.

iTheir selfless sacrifice spans the history of America, from the Revolutionary War to Iraqi Freedom,i said Jerry Dressler, Commander of American Legion.

Members of Post 86 and Post 4042 salute their fallen comrades and ask that all Bigfork area citizens join them to remember America's fallen sons and daughters on this upcoming Memorial Day.

iWe want everyone to know that veterans are still serving America and will continue to serve this country, state, and community in the years ahead,i Dressler said.

For more information, contact the Bigfork Veteran's Center at 837-0666.