Saturday, March 15, 2025

Libby residents need to listen to one another and work together says Washington reader

| December 6, 2005 11:00 PM

To the Editor:

Interesting stuff to read about the pool. Yet many of your readers' thoughts brought to mind the following thoughts to my mind.

Although I don't spend much time in your wonderful county as I would like, I have sat and listened to a lot of folks there in your restaurants, bars, hotels, community gatherings, parades, retail stores, and county and city meetings. I have seen and felt the "good ole boys" attitude.

These "outsiders," you know the ones I mean, the ones who have been in Libby from one to 30 years, are not dummies. There are a lot of intelligent folks there with some darn good ideas and all these ideas are not all of the "throw some money at it" ideas. Libby and Lincoln County needs all the help it can get and your tax base will be reduced further if the BPA puts in the new transmission lines through Big Horn Terrace and displaces family homes.

Please work together, listen to each other, learn to trust each other — even those pesky "outsiders." They came to Libby for a reason and it wasn't for financial gain.

I've heard, "if you don't like it the way it is, go back to where you came from." What at attitude! Maybe they didn't like everything where they came from but not all of it was bad. Do the "good ole boys" think that they will bring the bad things with them? Interestingly enough, most of the friends I've made in Libby are "outsiders" and they are not a bunch of brainless boobs.

You have a very scenic, beautiful county. Take advantage of it. Get those tourists and "outsiders" in there to spend their money, spring, summer , fall and winter, on boating, hiking, fishing, cross-skiing, camping, etc. Those folks will come back and spend more money if they aren't taken advantage of financially. It's to your advantage, but that's my "outsideness" speaking.

If I couldn't have afforded Libby after my first visit, I would have never come back and spent more money, and more money, and — you get the idea. Hopefully, I'll get to build a home there and move permanently. It's a goal!

Carolyn Fera

Tacoma, Wash.