Friday, March 14, 2025

Hospital CEO resigns

| September 3, 2004 12:00 AM

Rick Palagi, CEO at St. John¹s Lutheran Hospital, announced his resignation Wednesday.

Palagi told the board of trustees that he has accepted a position as CEO at a hospital near Madison, Wis., and will be moving there Nov. 1.

³It is with mixed emotions that I make this announcement,² Palagi said. ³This career opportunity is exciting, and it will be a good move for my family. But leaving the people at St. John¹s and this community certainly makes me sad. It was a tough decision.²

Connie Welter, chair at St. John¹s board of trustees said Palagi has done an outstanding job during the past 10 years.

³We are extremely grateful for the work he has done for the hospital and the community,² she said. ³His leadership has helped build a strong, effective health care system.²

Welter said the board regrets losing Palagi, but they understand his desire to further his career.

³We certainly wish him all the best in the future, and we know he will be a strong asset for his new hospital,² she said.

The board has most appreciated the establishment of a strong team of empowered people.

³This Œteam approach¹ will make it possible to change CEO¹s, while ensuring that our same high-quality service to the community goes on without interruption,² Welter said. ³We are confident that our St. John¹s board and staff will provide a smooth, effective transition.²

The board is beginning to recruit a new CEO immediately. They will be seeking a person who will fit into the community and the St. John¹s organization, and provide strong leadership and vision for the future, she said.

³We know we will be able to recruit an outstanding candidate because of the excellence of our hospital and our community,² Welter continued. ³We welcome the staff, physicians and community¹s input into the search process. Our hope is that we will fill the position within the next two months.²

During Palagi¹s time at St. John¹s, the Emergency Department was expanded to 24-hour physician coverage of the ER and a strong, formalized quality improvement process was implemented. Palagi also led the construction of the latest major addition to the hospital, completed in 2002.

³We know the community will want to join us in wishing Rick and his wife, Vickie, the best in their future,² Welter said. ³They have done so much for this area, and they will be deeply missed.²