Monday, March 17, 2025

Local boards discuss laws, beautification

| November 23, 2004 11:00 PM

The role local ordinances can play in beautifying the Libby area was discussed at a Monday, Nov. 15, meeting sponsored by Libby Revitalization Inc.

The meeting included city and county officials along with private citizens, said LRI director Betty Jo Wood.

³I think it was a real positive first step,² Wood said.

The session included a discussion of how ordinances can be a part of the design aspect of downtown revitalization, Wood said.

Participants reviewed a list of pertinent ordinances governing issues such as weeds, garbage, junk vehicles, peddlers and parking and talked about who is accountable. Some questions were raised about who is responsible for enforcement, and some ordinances were found to be in need of clarification, Wood said.

There was talk about where to draw the line between helping people and holding them accountable, Wood said.

³We¹re trying to figure out that balance right now,² she said.

Wood said there are plans to hold a follow-up meeting, but no date has been set.

³Everyone is aware that both at the county and city level there are problems, and we need to fix them,² she said. ³And I think they¹re willing to do that.²

LRI was formed last year with funding from the city¹s economic development fund. LRI initially sought $300,000 for three years, but the proposal was modified during the process of approval by the Libby Area Development Co. and the city council to require separate requests for the second and third years.

In June, the council approved a $100,000 grant to fund the organization for a second year.

The LRI budget includes $45,000 for administration and $55,000 for projects. The organization set aside $25,000 last year to provide $1,500 matching grants for storefront improvement proposals. Five $5,000 grants were offered this year.

LRI is also working with a consulting firm to develop a streetscape plan.