Monday, March 17, 2025

Quilter¹s work featured on magazine cover

| June 2, 2004 12:00 AM

Troy quilter Jill Majers has carved out her niche in the quilting world, perfecting the intricate art of creating miniature quilts.

One of Majers¹ quilts was featured on the cover of the June/July issue of the magazine ³Miniature Quilts,² the premier publication for the specialized quilts.

In the annual competition held by the magazine, over the years Majers has accumulated two second-place awards, and two third-place ribbons.

Miniature quilts differ from their larger counterparts in that each block must be less than 5 inches and no side may exceed 30 inches.

³The smaller the better is usually the case,² said Majers, who has been quilting for more than a decade.

Majers¹ current prize-winning miniature quilt will be out of her hands for an extended period of time as the work of art will be displayed in various venues during a traveling show sponsored by the magazine.

Although Majers also does full-size quilting, the miniature quilts appealed to her for their complexity and also for their affordability.

³I just like doing miniatures,² she said. ³They¹re a challenge and they¹re quite a bit less expensive. Fabric is not cheap anymore.²

When Majers adopted miniature quilting as her avocation of choice, she and fellow Tender Lovin¹ Quilter Teresa Sealy provided mutual support.

³We encourage each other,² Majers said.

A close-up view of one of Majers¹ quilts reveals an amazing intricacy, suggesting a preternatural patience on the part of the quilter.

³There¹s a lot to them,² she said.

Inspiration for Majers comes in various forms, much of the initial time spent pondering the form of the quilt.

³Sometimes it¹s fabric and sometimes it¹s an idea I have,² she said. ³I really spend more time thinking about it than making it. It has to wander around in my mind for a while.²

Majers¹ husband has also provided support, enjoying his wife¹s unique gift and the amazing products she produces. Unable to help himself, he had one of his personal favorites professionally framed.

³He has been very supportive,² Majers said. ³He was very thrilled when I won.²