Saturday, March 15, 2025

Rehberg visits Libby April 13

| April 9, 2004 12:00 AM

U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg will host a town hall community forum in Libby at the Ponderosa Room on Tuesday, April 13, from 6-7 p.m.

Rehberg conducts the forums to exchange ideas and dialogue with the people of Montana in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

³With the special circumstances facing the people of Libby, it¹s important that I continue to monitor the activities of the health, environmental and economic agencies that play a part in the community¹s recovery,² Rehberg said. ³The best way to do that is through a face-to-face dialogue with the people of Libby.²

Rehberg¹s town hall meeting will precede a separate public meeting hosted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA¹s meeting will focus on the agency¹s Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) program, which offers grant funding to interested community groups in areas affected by Superfund sites. The grants are designed to help the community participate more effectively in the cleanup decisions. Rehberg will introduce TAG meeting officials and comment briefly on the importance of the program.

The EPA meeting will be from 7-9 p.m. in the Ponderosa Room.

³Helping the people of Libby is a priority of mine, Rehberg said.² ³I strongly encourage everyone to come and share their thoughts and concerns with me, and to stay involved with the EPA¹s assistance efforts.²

In 2001, Rehberg helped organize a Libby visit and town hall meeting with then EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman.

During his visit next week, Rehberg will also tour the Revett-Silver Mining facility in Troy, and meet with officials and tour the Center for Asbestos Related Diseases in Libby.