Tuesday, January 30
Legals January 30, 2018
Doug Scotti Frampton Purdy Law Firm 530 West 19th St. Whitefish, MT 59937 Phone: (406) 862-9600 Attorney for Petitioner MONTANA NINETEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, LINCOLN COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of FREDRICK BENSON BROWN, Deceased. Cause No. DP-18-6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Kevin B. Brown has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the decedent are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to Frampton Purdy Law Firm, attorneys for the Personal Representative, return receipt requested, at 530 West 19th Street, Whitefish, Montana, 59937, or filed with the Clerk of the above Court. DATED this 25th day of January, 2018. FRAMPTON PURDY LAW FIRM By: Doug Scotti, Attorney for Applicant Published In The Western News January 30, 2018 February 6, 13, 2018 MNAXLP
County Public Libraries announce February events
All events are free and open to the public.

Calvin Lloyd Davis
Calvin Lloyd Davis, 66, passed away at his home on Sunday, Jan. 21, 2018 with loved ones by his side. He was born on May 21, 1951 in Missoula to Donald and Eleanor Snyder Davis. He spent his childhood in Missoula learning to hunt and fish, which he loved to do throughout his life.

Libby wrestlers 1-2 in Whitefish duals Friday
Troy Boys Basketball Stillwater edges past Troy 44-41
Troy Head Coach Bradley Dunn-meier said the Trojans came out fast and took the lead, but the Cougars came back in the second quarter, breaking a tie just before the half with a last second three-point shot.
Benjamin E. Lane
Benjamin E. Lane, 84, died Saturday, Jan. 27, 2018 at his home in Libby of natural causes. He was born Oct. 17, 1933 at Yreka, California to Oliver and Lois Lane.
A thank you to the Chamber and an appeal for volunteering
To the editor:

Cotton candy at the Care Center

Libby students 'Hooked on Fishing' at Logan State Park Fish, Wildlife and Parks runs the two-decades old program
Libby Elementary School students, teachers and even some parents hit the ice at Logan State Park, Jan. 26, to fish and learn with the help of Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
Down with DACA
To the editor:
Facing diminishing reserves, County may propose levy to fund road department
As the $14 million cash reserve that funds the County Road Department dwindles, the Lincoln County Commission has set out in earnest to find a new funding source before the reserves are depleted.
Browning Indians defeat Libby Loggers 79-60 on Saturday
Libby 20 18 10 12 -- 60
New board to address financial liabilities on Stinger Welding property
One of the first tasks for
What a celebratory event!
To the editor:
The importance of having a primary care provider
“I don’t need a primary care provider, I’m healthy. Only children need routine checkups, not adults”
Breakfast program helps Troy students start days off right
Troy Public School students from high school down to kindergarten are starting their school days off with breakfast and time to talk about their lives and their days before they get them started.
Libby City Council to seek background checks of potential appointees
The Libby City Council is fast-tracking revisions to policies and procedures — including those related to appointing council members — following the Jan. 19 resignation of Angel Ford.
Keep your lungs healthy while doing household chores
Did you know if you have an asbestos related disease that you shouldn’t use oven cleaners or other toxic cleaners, as these will irritate your already sensitive lungs? So what is a person to do? You are wise to be cautious about what you expose your lungs to, as this can greatly impact your health and your respiratory condition.
Friday, January 26

Lady Loggers win 41-14 vs. Troy
The Libby High School girls varsity basketball team on Thursday took down Troy High School at Libby, 41-14.

Libby Loggers outpace Troy, 80-35
The future of small-town Montana rides on public lands From Dupuyer to Columbia Falls, a look at the growing recreation economy.
The winds of Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front buffet the empty Dupuyer Elementary School. At one time the grasslands around it teemed with family-run ranches and Dupuyer was the heart of its region. In 1966 there were 63 students. In 2015, only one remained, with a lone teacher to instruct him. It shocked no one when the school shuttered last year.

Examining the disparity of urban and rural growth The Montana Gap reporting project taps into how rural Montana is grappling with its uncertain future
Look at statewide numbers and Montana’s economy seems to be doing well. Between 2000 and 2015, the number of jobs in the state of Montana grew 20 percent, according to a report released last year by Headwaters Economics. Personal income grew, as did statewide employment.
Legals January 26, 2018
NOTICE There will be a public meeting regarding the proposed new construction of the Town Pump Convenience Store/Gas Station. The meeting will be held on February 7th, 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Troy Senior Citizens Center located at 304 N. 3rd Street, in Troy. Town Pump representative will be in attendance to answer any questions or concerns. If you are unable to attend and have questions or concerns please email them to Trina Austin at TrinaA@townpump.com Thank you. Published In The Western News January 26, 2018 February 2, 2018 MNAXLP
Libby, Troy students make MSU honor roll
The Western News
Local? Habitat for Humanity assisting with repairs in 2018
Area homeowners on a restricted income may qualify for home repair assistance from Kootenai Valley Partners? Habitat for Humanity this summer.
Unite for Youth gets $150,000 grant to help reduce drug abuse
The Western News
Libby hunter education seats open
The Western News

Thanks to good snow, season is off to a strong start at Turner Mountain
Florence Drowatzky
Florence Drowatzky passed away Jan. 20, 2018 at her home in Pablo, surrounded by family and friends. She was born Oct. 4, 1937 in Kalispell, to Delos and Margaret Norquay Good. Florence moved to the Bull Lake area as a young child and attended Troy schools. She married Jack Drowatzky in 1952 in Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho.

New reporter to help expand Western News coverage of sports, courts, Troy and more
Keep Ten Lakes as a WSA
To the editor: The Lincoln County Commissioners, in their infinite wisdom, have sent Sen. Steve Daines a request to include our Ten Lakes Area in his proposed Senate Bill doing away with several Wilderness Study Areas in Montana.
Commissioner Mark Peck praises Libby Chamber, encourages others to join and get involved
I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the successes that the Libby Area Chamber of Commerce board, staff and volunteers are accomplishing. While attending the Chamber banquet this past Saturday, I was so impressed with the quality, atmosphere and number of attendees. It was a very positive and enjoyable evening. I was also struck by the creativity and number of folks who were involved in the planning and execution of the event.
My plan to serve Montana in 2018
At the start of the New Year many Montanans make New Year’s resolutions. Maybe it’s to spend time with family, put more money into savings, or enjoy our world-class public lands a little more. As your Senator, my resolution is to continue to bring your input back from the Treasure State to the U.S. Senate.
Ashley Walker of Libby named to Carroll College's Fall 2017 Dean's List
Ashley Walker of Libby was named to Carroll College’s 2017 fall semester dean’s list.
Let's address the invisible problem affecting Lincoln County youth
The statistics on youth mental health in Lincoln County are shocking. According to the 2017 North West Region Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 13 percent of our middle school age children have attempted suicide at least once in the last year. Furthermore, the Lincoln County Community Health Assessment found that 42 percent of youth in the area report symptoms of depression.

The Montana Gap Want to revitalize a depressed economy? The EPA can help How Anaconda is using an obscure program to help clean up contaminated areas
(Editor’s note: This story is part of The Montana Gap project, produced in partnership with the Solutions Journalism Network and in which The Western News is participating.)
Libby, Troy students named to UM honor rolls
The Western News
Demand accountability to protect public health
Becoming the mother to my twin four-year old girls was one of the hardest things I’ve done in my life. But, of course, some of the most challenging things are often the most rewarding, and it is at the times of intense pressure and high stakes that we learn what we are made of and how deep we can dig to accomplish the most daunting and important of jobs.
Lincoln County Commission creates new Port Authority governing body
With a 3-0 vote, the Lincoln County Commission on Wednesday approved a resolution to restructure the board that governs the Lincoln County Port Authority in Libby.
Lincoln County Sheriff's Office Blotter
Jan. 9, 8 a.m. — A caller reported an abandoned vehicle in the middle of the road on Flower Lake Road.

Robert James Butch Taylor
Robert James “Butch” Taylor passed away Friday, Jan. 12, 2018 at Heritage Place in Kalispell. Born to Robert and Sandra Taylor in Libby on Sept. 15, 1962, Butch attended school in Libby and in Judith Gap, where he graduated high school in 1980. He returned to Libby and married Coreena Orr in 1981. Butch and Coreena moved to Wasilla, Alaska, then to Yakima, Washington, where they had two daughters, Melissa and Melanie. They later moved back to Libby and then settled in Kalispell.
Kids ski carnival is Saturday, Jan. 27
The Kootenai Cross-Country Ski Club is hosting a ski carnival Saturday, Jan. 27 for all area children 13 and under.
Tuesday Class A Duals results: Libby 25, Polson 41; Libby 27, C-Falls 39
At Libby
Sherry Lee Davis
Sherry Lee Davis, 75, of Troy passed away at Brendan House in Kalispell on Friday, Dec. 29, 2018 with her husband and children around her.
Kootenai Valley Christian School posts second semester honor roll
First grade — A Honor Roll: Caelan Gray, Lilyana Harcourt, Ryan Rank; A-B Honor Roll: Alex Durbin, Caitlyn Chamberlain, Rhett Shelton.
Tuesday, January 23
No headline

Loggers beat Whitefish, 61-44

Owl raids Libby pheasant coop - twice
Flathead Electric Co-op to survey members by phone, email
The Western News
Libby Wrestling Friday Class A Duals results

Red, white, blue and gray jay

Libby Chamber banquet a spirited, sold-out affair
The Libby Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual award and fundraising banquet, held Saturday at the Libby Memorial Events Center, was a high-spirited and sold-out event filled with good food, fun games and recognition for local businesses and individuals.

Trojans fall to Florence, 72-38
Lady Loggers surpass Ronan, 50-38
Libby's Superfund sites among sites on EPA's redevelopment focus list
Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency named the Libby Asbestos Superfund and Libby Groundwater Superfund sites among 31 current and former Superfund National Priorities List sites with the greatest expected redevelopment and commercial potential.
Libby 'wayfinding' sign projects gets $85,355 state tourism grant

Trojans lose to Plains, 71-35
Thursday's Troy vs. Libby game is free
Thanks to a generous community donation, admission to Thursday’s Troy vs. Libby basketball game in Libby will be free.
FWP conducting annual surveys
Survey underway to gauge public opinion on fish, wildlife management

Porsche Lynn Foss
Porsche Lynn Foss was born Nov. 3, 2017 in Williston, North Dakota to Nicholas and Cherokee Foss. She weighed 8 pounds. Her grandparents are Emily and Lenny Pauley and Freddie and Eldon Phillips, all of Libby.

A helping hand

Lady Loggers bury Bulldogs, 47-32
WHITEFISH — Two words came to Libby girls basketball coach Wally Winslow’s mind as he searched for apt descriptors of his squad’s Northwest A conference win over Whitefish — patience and perseverance.

Scotchman Peaks group to host four field days for area students
Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness is hosting four Winter Tracks programs in Lincoln County this winter “to engage students in an outdoor setting during the winter months to deepen their sense of place, build community and connect to the outdoor world through experiential education,” states program coordinator Sandy Compton in a news release.
Saturday Class A Duals results

Lady Trojans beat Plains in OT, 52-47
Libby wrestlers rank 10th in coaches poll
Four area teams were ranked in the top 10 in a Class A wrestling coaches poll — Polson (4th), Columbia Falls (8th), Ronan (9th) and Libby (10th).

Lady Trojans beat Florence, 44-37
Medical center delivered 4 sets of twins in 2017
Normally, Cabinet Peaks Medical Center delivers one set of twins every 12 to 18 months.

Cabinet Peaks Medical Center hires new Senior Life Solutions manager
Cabinet Peaks Medical Center has hired Tara Thornock as manager of its Senior Life Solutions Program, which provides outpatient group therapy to those over 65 years old who struggle with age-related depression and anxiety.
Loggers overtake Ronan, 59-52
David Thompson Search and Rescue avalanche workshop is Jan. 26-27
David Thompson Search and Rescue will host a two-day avalanche workshop Jan. 26-27.

Autumn Zephyr
Autumn Zephyr was born at home on Jan. 15, 2018, weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces. Her parents are Paul and Wanda Wengerd and she is welcomed by her brothers Trystan and Grantland and her sister Paulita. She was delivered by Joyce Vogel, a licensed midwife.

Eureka couple that took child from protective care arraigned Monday in Libby
Austin Loomis and Micah Gallegos, both of Eureka, were arraigned on charges of custodial interference in 19th Judicial District Court on Monday, Jan. 22.

Americana musician Lauren Sheehan performs Feb. 1 in Libby
The Kootenai Heritage Council presents another evening of entertainment on the Libby Memorial Events Center stage Thursday, Feb. 1, 2018 at 7 p.m. The Libby community can enjoy the delightful tones of Roots Americana musician, Lauren Sheehan who performs in the Elizabeth Cotten/John Hurt vein — a one-woman Americana jukebox. Her sensitive singing and fingerwork with Piedmont picking all sounds deceptively easy, which is a testament to her huge talent and hard work.
Friday, January 19
Angel Ford resigns from Libby City Council seat
Angel Ford resigned from the Libby City Council Friday night due to “mounting political pressure” from Libby residents and media concerning past legal issues.
Make sure your teens get more sleep
Why is your teen such a pain in the neck? One answer is they are sleep deprived. Teens must have eight to 10 hours of sleep, and if they don’t get it we all suffer.
Ten Lakes area doesn't meet wilderness criteria
To the editor: After 40 years in limbo, Montana Wilderness Study Areas are finally addressed in Sen. Daines’ Bill S2206, Protect Public Use of Public Lands.
Legals January 19, 2018
NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER SALE CORRECTED ADVERTISEMENT NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE, KOOTENAI NATIONAL FOREST. The TAMARACK SALVAGE Timber Sale includes an estimated 13,874 TONS (4,843 CCF) of sawtimber 1,183 TONS (432 CCF) of nonsaw timber designated for removal located within portions of Section 6, 32 T28N, R27W; Section 1, T28N, R271/2 W, Lincoln County, State of Montana, PMM. This is a WEIGHT MEASUREMENT sale and all rates will be bid and paid for at a rate per TON. Sealed bids will be opened in public at the Supervisor's Office, Libby, MT at 10:00 A.M., local time, on February 13, 2018, followed immediately by ORAL AUCTION. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. The prospectus includes minimum acceptable stumpage and the rate of required additional payments. The required bid guarantee is $14,400.00. A correction to the CONTRACT, C CLAUSES and BID PACKAGE, as well as other information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and submission of bids can be obtained from the Forest Supervisor's Office, 31374 US Hwy 2, Libby, MT 59923 (406-293-6211) or the Libby Ranger Station, 12557 Hwy 37, Libby, MT 59923 (406-293-7773). The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Published In The Western News January 19, 2018 MNAXLP

Leonard and Shirley Koskela
Leonard and Shirley Koskela are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. They were married on Dec. 6, 1957 at the Ft. Sill Chapel in Oklahoma.
Libby man accused of felony theft of father's home found hiding in woods near Lakeside
A Libby man suspected of burglarizing his father’s Kalispell home and later fleeing from police was found hiding in the woods near Lakeside on Monday.

Libby kids shoot well in Elk's hoops contest
The Elk’s National Hoop Shoot District contest was held Saturday, Jan. 13, 2018 in Polson. Libby athletes performed well, with two competitors advancing to next month’s state competition in Livingston.
Ice fishing derby is Jan. 27-28
The Fisher River Fire Rescue Auxiliary will hold its fundraising “Lower Thompson Chain of Lakes Ice Fishing Derby” Jan. 27 and Jan. 28, hosted by the Kickin Horse Saloon and Eatery. Part of the proceeds will be used to purchase fire and rescue equipment.
Council member Ford's story of ID theft, credit card fraud conviction differs from police, son's accounts
Libby City Council member Angel Ford is publicly defending a 2011 conviction of felony identity theft in Oregon as an unfortunate result of a family favor gone awry.
Libby City Council repeals controversial 'pit bull ban'
With a 5-1 vote of the Libby City Council Monday, Jan. 15, the city’s so-called “pit bull ban” was lifted.
Wilderness is a key part of the American way - so let's protect it
By Mack and Connie Long
Ford fined in 2005 for campaign postcard mailed under opponent's name
Libby City Council member Angel Ford was fined $2,500 in November 2005 for failing to disclose that she sponsored and paid for campaign postcards she mailed that election season while running for city council in Hoquiam, Washington.

David Alan Adkins
Surrounded by family, David Alan Adkins passed peacefully into eternal life Jan. 10, 2018 at Kootenai Health of complications from AL Amyloidosis and Multiple Myeloma.
An open letter to Kim Jong Un
At the Yalta conference in 1945 it was decided that Russia would accept the Japanese surrender north of the 38 parallel in Korea and U.S. would accept it the south. The 38 parallel was an administrative convenience suggested by Col. Dean Rush. Stalin thought the country would emerge whole from the trusteeship within five years.
Tuesday, January 16

Going downhill fast

Tax assessments baffle Dickey Lake landowners

Region's snowpack above average
Three weeks into winter, Northwest Montana’s snowpack is looking good.
No word on when EPA review of use of grant funds will end
An Environmental Protection Agency review into the disbursement of grant funds the Lincoln County Commission requested in May 2016 continues, with no word on when it might end.

Harper Quinn
Harper Quinn was born 7:31 a.m. Dec. 28, 2017 to Jared Quinn and Bethany Riddle. She weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces and was 18.75 inches long. She was delivered at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center by Dr. Jana Hall.

Friends of Scotchman Peaks 12th winter hike series begins Jan. 20
The Western News

Madison Westlund
Madison Westlund was born 8:52 p.m. Dec. 26, 2017 to Damon Westlund and Ayana Reich. She weighed 6 pounds 8.4 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. She was delivered at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center by Dr. Brian Bell.

Claire Burke
Claire Burke was born 8:36 a.m. Jan. 4, 2018 to Brandon and Brigid Burke. She weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 20 inches long. She was delivered at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center by Dr. Brian Bell.

Rod Gilbert
Rod Gilbert, 53, of Molalla, Oregon passed away Jan. 9, 2018 at Silverton Hospital. He attended Libby schools and graduated in 1982. He went to Texas and worked until he joined the Army, 1985-1989, and was honorably discharged. He worked at Champion International until they closed then went to work at Cheyenne Aero Tech. He trained to be a helicopter mechanic and worked for Columbia Helicopters in Aurora, Oregon for 18 years. In 2004 he volunteered to serve his country in Iraq for a year.
City of Libby, state disagree over blame for sidewalk snafu
Letters Libby officials sent to the state expressing displeasure at the outcome of

Lincoln Nelson
Lincoln Nelson was born 11:15 p.m. Jan. 8, 2018 to Kraig and Emma Stehlik. He weighed 7 pounds 0.5 ounce and was 20.75 inches long. He was delivered at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center by Dr. Greg Rice.
The importance of fluoride for your oral health
Tooth decay is the number one preventable, chronic health problem of children in the United States. Severe dental disease in children often requires the use of general anesthesia and possible hospitalizations which can cost well over $20,000 and is not always covered by insurance, even with a dental plan.
Free avalanche education hike is Jan. 20
Avalanche expert Jon Jeresek is leading an avalanche awareness snowshoe hike to Flatiron Mountain Saturday, Jan. 20 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Montana Wilderness Association is sponsoring this free hike.
State Dept. of Revenue director to review tax assessment process
Last Thursday I asked Director Mike Kadas of the Deptartment of Revenue to conduct an administrative review of the property tax process in Lincoln County. He agreed to my request.

Medical Center welcomes intern
Thanks to the Montana Medical Laboratory Science Professional program, Cabinet Peaks Medical Center welcomed intern Benjamen French to its lab department in September.

Moira Shannon-Dee Lockamy
Moira Shannon-Dee Lockamy was born 2:05 a.m. Jan. 1, 2018 to Shawn and Sarah Lockamy. She weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces and was 19.75 inches long. She was delivered at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center by Dr. Jana Hall.
Sunday, January 14
Class A Boys Basketball Libby Loggers coach 'pleasantly surprised' with team so far
With just one returning starter from last year’s team, fourth-year head coach Josh Bean had little clue what to expect when his Libby team hit the hardwood this year.
Day 1 results (Libby tied for 15th)

Libby wrestlers finish 17th at Rocky Mtn.
MISSOULA — Tucker Nadeau and Michael Lee captured individual titles, Payton Hume was a runner-up and Flathead settled for a disappointing fourth-place finish as a team at the Jug Beck Rocky Mountain Classic wrestling tournament on Saturday.

Lady Loggers cruise by Polson, 53-29
Troy Girls Basketball Troy beat by Eureka, 51-44
EUREKA — Sienna Utter netted 21 points to go with 14 from Erynn Thier in Eureka’s win over Troy.
Troy Boys Basketball Trojans surpassed by Eureka, 42-36

Polson sneaks by Loggers in double OT, 65-63
Friday, January 12

Loggers win 52-37

Greenchain win in ninth-level tie breaker

Lady Loggers ignite in 4th quarter for win
LIBBY — Libby poured in 20 points in the fourth quarter — more than it tallied in the first three combined — to roar from behind and beat a stunned Eureka squad 38-31 on Tuesday night in the Battle of the Kootenai at Libby High School.
Lady Loggers' big issue is health, coach says
A 'phoenix' rising from the asbestos Libby hopes brand plan will help reverse Superfund stigma
Legals January 12, 2018
Karl K. Rudbach RAMLOW & RUDBACH PLLP 542 Central Avenue Whitefish, Montana 59937 Telephone: (406) 862-7503 Attorneys for Personal Representative MONTANA NINETEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, LINCOLN COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of ROY CLIFFORD ADAMS, Deceased. DP-17-111 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to RAMLOW & RUDBACH, PLLP, 542 Central Avenue, Whitefish, Montana 59937, or filed with the Clerk of the above-entitled Court. Dated January 4, 2018. /s/ Kenneth Adams, Personal Representative RAMLOW & RUDBACH, PLLP By: Karl K. Rudbach 542 Central Avenue Whitefish, Montana 59937 Telephone: (406) 862-7503 Published In The Western News January 5, 12, 19, 2018 MNAXLP
Deadline to apply for FVCC spring classes is Jan. 16
Prospective students of Flathead Valley Community College’s Lincoln County Campus have until Jan. 16 to apply for spring semester classes, which begin Jan. 22 and end May 17.

Paul O. Sather
It is with sorrow that we announce the passing of Dr. Paul Sather on Dec. 20, 2017 after a long life as a well-loved family man, health practitioner, legendary sportsman, athlete and ballroom dancer.
Theodore Henry Kessel
Theodore Henry Kessel, beloved husband, father, grandfather, friend and mentor, departed this earth on Dec. 25, 2017. Ted, 78, resided in Palm Springs, California. He was born on June 11, 1939, to Theodore Kessel and Eunice Kessel in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.
County landfill seeks new markets for recyclables
Following a

Stoltze, SmartLam to cut lumber from Capitol Christmas tree
Back in November, a 79-foot Engelmann spruce from the Kootenai National Forest was cut down and hauled to Washington, D.C. to be the Capitol Christmas tree.
A count of missing 'Libby Bucks' might take a couple months

As rural areas struggle to hold onto youth, a look at a few young professionals who returned
Libby man sentenced to 20 years for collision that killed Laura Cooper of Troy
Richard Gene Davidson of Libby was sentenced in 19th Judicial District Court Jan. 5 for his role in

Examining the disparity of urban and rural growth Reporting project taps into how rural Montana is grappling with its uncertain future
Lincoln County Sheriff's Blotter
Jan. 4, 6 a.m. — A caller reported that someone ran into their mailbox and drove into their yard sometime last night on Main Avenue.
Six Lincoln County students make Montana Western Dean's List
Six Lincoln County students made the 2017 fall semester Dean’s List at the University of Montana Western, the school announced Wednesday.

Sherry Lee Davis
Sherry Lee Davis, 75, of Troy passed away at Brendan House in Kalispell Friday, Dec. 29, 2018 with her husband and children around her. She left this earth to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She was born in Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho on Sept. 17, 1942 to Jack and Betty Wilson.
Tuesday, January 9

Darlene and Ray Hammons
Darlene and Ray Hammons of Libby celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary Dec. 6, 2017. They were married Dec. 6, 1957 in Libby.

Carolyn Joyce Brenner Hudlet
Carolyn Joyce Brenner Hudlet, 85, a woman who loved the Lord and served Him, went home to be with her Lord and Savior Jan. 2, 2018, after a sudden illness. She was born July 15, 1932, to Ralph and Velma Brenner in Buffalo, New York, where she lived until she married Herbert Hudlet on November 25, 1953.

Caston Smith
Caston Smith was born 3:56 p.m. on Dec. 19, 2017 to James and Marsha Smith. He weighed 5 pounds 3 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. He was delivered by Dr. Bell at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center.

Patsye Marie LeHew
Patsye Marie LeHew, 74, of Yaak passed away Dec. 22, 2017 at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center in Libby. She was born May 22, 1943 in Plainview, Texas to Hubert Macom and Lela Mae (Anderson) Thorton. Pat started her life in Texas and in her younger years she enjoyed riding horses. She served in the military as a WAC nurse. After serving, she returned home and went to work as a waitress. It was during that time that she met Monte and they were married three days later.

Robert Leroy Lundin
Leroy Lundin passed peacefully in his sleep on Dec. 10, 2017 at the Libby Care Center. Born Robert Leroy Lundin on June 8, 1935 to Robert and Nora Lundin at home in Jacobson, Minnesota, Leroy grew up working on his father’s farm and attended school, which he finished with the eighth grade (as were the times, if you weren’t going to college you entered the work force at a young age to make your way).

Quinlynn Lee Lozier
Quinlynn Lee Lozier celebrated her first birthday on Dec. 15, 2017. She is the daughter of Cody and Erin Lozier of Post Falls, Idaho.
County Commission starts discussing medical marijuana
The Lincoln County Commission at its Jan. 3 meeting began what it anticipates will be ongoing discussions about how the county might address the regulation of medical marijuana.
Commission asks Sen. Daines to remove wilderness study designation from Ten Lakes
Lincoln County Sheriff's Office Blotter
Dec. 29, 9 a.m. — A caller reported hearing a loud explosion on Montana and East Balsam.

Patricia Jean (Blue) Yost
Patricia Jean (Blue) Yost, 66, passed away peacefully, surrounded by her husband, son and daughter-in-law on Friday, Dec. 22, 2017 at her home in Libby. She was born on Nov. 14, 1951 to Robert and Gloria Blue in Vancouver, Washington.

Cleone Anderson Spiering
Cleone Anderson Spiering, 88, of Libby, died of natural causes on Jan. 4, 2018 at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center. She was surrounded by her family.

Got it!
Thursday Wrestling Libby wrestlers pin Kellogg, Sandpoint
SANDPOINT, Idaho — Libby/Troy wrestlers posted two dual wins at the Sandpoint Duals on Thursday evening.

Bentley Bass
Bentley Bass was born 10:32 p.m. on Dec. 18, 2017 to Aaron and Alyssa Bass. He weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. He was delivered by Dr. Jana Hall at Cabinet Peaks Medical Center.
Monday, January 8
No headline
Sunday, January 7
Saturday Basketball Lady Loggers lose to Browning, 54-46
Saturday Wrestling Libby places 4th behind Frenchtown, Ronan and C-Falls
RONAN — Frenchtown won the 49th Western Montana Duals on Saturday by beating Thompson Falls 55-9, Columbia Falls 39-27 and Ronan 54-14.
Friday Basketball Loggers beat Columbia Falls, 49-42
Ryggs Johnston poured in a game-high 23 points to push Libby over Columbia Falls in a Northwest A contest.
Friday Basketball Trojans trounced by Bigfork, 74-6
BIGFORK — Bigfork led 45-3 halfway through an eventual trouncing of Troy.

Friday Basketball Lady Loggers lose to Columbia Falls, 52-41
COLUMBIA FALLS — A trio of high-scoring Wildkats carried Columbia Falls to a 52-41 win over Libby in a Northwest A conference basketball matchup on Friday night at Columbia Falls High School.
Friday Basketball Lady Trojans toppled by Bigfork, 65-25
BIGFORK — Bigfork cruised to a 19-2 lead after the first quarter on its way to a stress-free win over Troy.
Wrestling Libby, C-Falls, Ronan pool winners at Western Montana Duals
RONAN — Columbia Falls, Ronan, Frenchtown and Libby were pool winners on Friday at the 49th Western Montana Duals wrestling tournament.
Saturday, January 6
Deadline approaches to file Libby asbestos claims
People who were diagnosed with Libby asbestos-related disease prior to Feb. 25, 2015, have until Feb. 25 this year to file a claim against W.R. Grace & Co. as part of the company’s bankruptcy proceedings.
Friday, January 5

Swearing in at Libby City Council meeting
Doesn't President Trump have better things to do?
To the editor: I understand the President is going to have an awards show on Monday. He is giving awards to the “Fake” media.
Legals January 5, 2018
MONTANA NINETEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT LINCOLN COUNTY Matthew J. Cuffe, Judge, Judge Cause No.: DR-17-28 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION AND TEMPORARY ECONOMIC RESTRAINING ORDER In re the Marriage of: Karen Leigh Cook Petitioner, and Danny James Cook Nickname Boone Cook Respondent. THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT: YOU, THE RESPONDENT, ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage in this action which is filed in the office of the Clerk of the above-named Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer and serve a copy of your answer upon the Petitioner within twenty days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Petition. FILE ORIGINAL RESPONSE WITH THE CLERK OF COURT AT: Clerk of District Court 512 California Avenue Libby, Montana 59923 Dated this 29th day of August, 2017 Tricia Brooks Clerk of the District Court By: Jen Brown Deputy Clerk Published In The Western News December 22, 29, 2017 January 5, 2018 MNAXLP
Flathead Electric Co-op scholarships are available
The Western News

Libby's newest cop sworn in
Libby Mayor Brent Teske swore in Cody DeWitt, 29, as Libby’s newest police officer at Tuesday night’s City Council meeting.
Libby city mechanic repairs broken snowblower quickly, inexpensively

Oliver Nelson Bland
Ward and Kylie Bland are proud to announce the birth of their son, Oliver Nelson Bland. He was born Dec. 21, 2017 at 10:54 am. He weighed 5 pounds 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. His grandparents are Dietmar and Paula Schauss and Nelson and Jenny Bland, all of Libby. His Great-grandmother is Christa Schauss of Libby.
Libby City Council discusses what to do with '940 credit'
A discussion begun at the Dec. 6 meeting of the Libby City Council’s water and sewer committee — about redirecting a monthly customer credit toward infrastructure projects — was continued at Tuesday night’s meeting of the entire council, where Mayor Brent Teske encouraged residents to discuss the issue with their council members.
Teresa Lynn Haaland
Teresa Lynn Haaland joined her mom and her Lord on Dec. 31, 2017 at the family home in Helena. Teresa was born to Katherine and Ralph Moorman in Grass Valley, California on Oct. 20, 1959. The family moved to Butte where she grew up and graduated from Butte High School. She later moved to the Bitterroot Valley, and then to Troy, where she married her best friend, Frederick (Rick) Haaland.

Resorts doing more to highlight danger of tree wells

Lincoln County's first baby born in 2018 is a girl
Moira Shannon-Dee Lockamy has the honor of being the first baby born in Lincoln County in 2018. Her parents are Shawn and Sarah Lockamy.
Comments sought on proposed hunting seasons and regulations Items include proposal for hunting district near Libby
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks is hosting four public meetings in January across northwest Montana to share information and gather input on tentative hunting season dates and rules for the next two years.
Please don't remove wilderness study areas
To the editor: We’ve recently become aware of Sen. Steve Daines’ intention to introduce legislation removing protection from Montana’s wilderness study areas. We cannot state strongly enough how much we oppose this withdrawal of protection.
'Paint it Pink' funds to aid mammography campaign
Cabinet Peaks Foundation’s annual “Paint It Pink” fundraisers raised $10,500 in 2017, according to a Jan. 3 news release. The amount will be applied to the Foundation’s recently kicked-off “3D mammography” campaign
Community calendar
•An awaken prayer gathering — a time for “mountain-moving prayer for spiritual awakening in the Kootenai Valley” — will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Jan. 6, 2018, at the Kootenai Valley Christian School at 1024 Montana Ave. For more information, call 406-755-7729 or 406-293-9865.
CARD Clinic hires new doctor
The Center for Asbestos Related Disease, or CARD Clinic, recently hired a new doctor.

Dean Bradford Leckrone
Dean Bradford Leckrone, 69, of Libby died on Sunday, Dec. 17, 2017 at his home in Libby. He was born on April 11, 1948 at Libby to Glen and Helen (Gompf) Leckrone. He attended Libby public schools and was part of the 1966 State Basketball Championship. In 1965, he was a member of the football team that won the state conference. He attended Carrol College on a scholarship and in Missoula played baseball.
Thank you for supporting Libby VFW Post No. 1548
To the editor: The Libby VFW would like to thank our generous community for you support this past year.

John K. and Carolyn S. McBride
John K. and Carolyn S. McBride of Libby celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary Dec. 27, 2017 with a 6 p.m. dinner at the Black Board Bistro in Libby. They were married Dec. 27, 1952 in Hyannis, Massachusetts.
How to succeed at your New Year's weight loss resolution
Western Montana Mental Health Center Facility's abrupt closure leaves county officials, health care providers scrambling to fill the void
Local government agencies and healthcare facilities are scrambling to fill the void created by the abrupt year-end closure of Western Montana Mental Health Center’s Libby facility, which had been providing evaluation, case management and other mental health services to residents and county government alike.
Tuesday, January 2
Chinese ban halts local plastics recycling
A decision made earlier this year by the world’s most populous country has affected Northwestern Montana, causing Lincoln County to no longer be able to accept recyclable plastics.

A work in progress

A generous neighbor
Gun maker debuts new rifle
A new gun being manufactured in the Flathead Valley has the capability of switching barrels so it can be used for multiple purposes. Its Columbia Falls-based PROOF Research creators dubbed it the Switch rifle.
Opioids: The crisis of our lifetime
Eric Hargan is about to get a demotion, and he is just fine with that.
Post truth for children to see
To the editor: Not long ago, I served as a substitute teacher all day at Columbia High School in Hunters, Washington.
Libby Area Chamber of Commerce Missing certificates prompt Sheriff's investigation, revised protocols Outstanding 'Libby Bucks' must be validated by Chamber by March 1 to remain usable
After discovering an unknown number of its “Libby Bucks” had gone missing, the Libby Area Chamber of Commerce this week announced it had notified the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office and is revamping the decades-old program intended to boost local spending.
Software error thought to have caused apparant drop in Libby's sewer revenue is likely fixed
After about 18 months of going back-and-forth with its accounting and billing software provider, Libby city officials believe they finally have fixed an issue that caused sewer revenues to appear to decline — an issue officials attribute to the provider and say caused them to lay off an employee.

Gianforte supports bill that would allow bikes in wilderness
Montana Congressman Greg Gianforte said he supports a bill that would allow bicycles and wheelchairs in designated wilderness areas.
Thank you for helping find Butch
To the editor: The Steiger family would like to thank all who were involved in the search for Butch on Dec. 9 and Dec. 10. Due to all the caring and dedicated people that helped in the search, Butch was found safe and is doing well.
Thanks for plowing us out
To the editor: The Libby Youth Center and its 363 registered youths sincerely thank Pioneer Auto for snow-plowing our parking area. They have generously enabled access for volunteers and youths to come to the Libby Youth Center.